Untold love story

I saw darkness and there I saw a fire,a blue raging fire in a tray. I came near it and tried to touch it. I felt warm all around me. I tried to come back from my consciences. I opened my eyes when I saw blue fire on my bed. I stood up and saw the fire had no impact on me. I search for extinguisher but the fire automatically vanished. But my bed got burnt down. I sat in my chair, I was upset about the dream it felt so real almost become real. I thought (The whole five element things destroy the evil does it mean by the cause or thing that demon related. I don't know but I know one thing this whole element things are related to me. According to me, the whole element things will find me like fire did. But I didn't get one thing fire should be red and my hair strands turned red then why blue fire out of a sudden . I must ask Lily I think it's magic related. I think she would Know.) As I was about to leave the room. I heard noises , I came near the window. I saw Steve and Serena holding hands. I said-"What the..." I was surprised,words were not coming out. I used my instinct, I started hearing their voices. Serena said-"I can't hold it anymore, I love you but my parents wants me to get engaged with Derek". Steve said -"I wish we could run,I am fed up of this secret meeting". Serena said-"I know..." She hugged him tightly and said-"I wish we could something". Steve said-"I wish... Wait... someone coming". They gave each other a quick kiss. I smiled and said-"So,this was going in the background. I think I should do something". I came out of the room. I saw uncle Adam and went to him. I said-"Sorry to interrupt,I know you are busy". He said-"What happened?" I said-"I need to ask about how is Steve,I mean about hid life". He said-"He is good and kind man. Everybody's opinion he would make a great king . He takes his responsibility very seriously and time to find some fun". I asked-"About family?"He said-"He's your cousin and his parents also sacrificed they life during a fight. He handles everything in his kingdom. He is king at the young age, just officially he need to accept his kingship".I said-"Thank you, and by the way will you tell the maids to replace my bed". He asked in tense voice -"Why? What happened?"I said-"Calm down, I just burnt it mistakenly". He got surprised, I waved him and went to the hall. I saw Derek, Damon, Arthur, Lily, Serena with Steve standing together. I thought (I have a plan,I need to talk to Derek .)I two times called-"Derek, I need to talk to you". He didn't respond, I thought maybe he didn't listen or ignoring me. I thought maybe it's time to create a screen. I came near him pulled his shirt and came close to him, said-"I need to talk". All were speechless and even Lily opened his mouth. Derek nodded, and I hold his hand and pulled him to garden. He asked in hesitation -"What happened?"I asked-"Calm down , I won't do anything that right now going in your mind. So relax, I need to talk to you about Serena". Derek stood straight clear his throat and said-"What about her?"I said-"Do you know, Serena and Steve are in love with each other?"He got shocked and said-"What?" I nodded and he asked-"But when?"I said-"I don't know, but they confessed their love with each other". He said-"Now what? if her love is genuine let's test it". He asked-"What you have in mind?"I might need your help".He smiled and said-"Of course,I will help you with it".

The glasses and cups on the room starts to broke down. All gathered around the hall. Derek and Steve were hanging on chain and their mouth were closed. There were hanging upside down and beneath them a blue fire emerged. A man with cloak and a huge staff with image of skull appeared. It said in bold voice-"I am Axleon ,I came here to play a game. I know you but you don't know me".King Adrian said-"Enough..."As he moved forward the fire emerged.Axleon said-"No...no..the game has started. The life of two is at stake". Elena tried to do spell to set them but it didn't Axleon said-"It's won't work miss". Lily said-"What you want?" Axleon said-"A simple quiz came..."Adrian said-"If we play game will you set them free". Axleon said -"If you win. so shall we begin". All nodded, he gave them laugh and said-"Okay, there is no rule anyone can answer but only one chance you will get one wrong answer and they are in fire". All gulped their saliva and Axleon started the game-"So, my first game what's name of Steve's father?"Adam said-"Thyrus..." Axleon said-"See, how easy it is. Now, Derek is angry with mixture of jealous with who?" All remained silent, Lily said-"Damon..."The chain went down and Arthur said-"Wait... he is angry with me". The chain stopped in mid air. Derek looked at Axleon and said-"I know everything". Axleon gave a smile and said-"Steve's worst nightmares". All were silent and soowli the chain comes down, Axleon said-"Sorry,I forget to mention time limit". Serena said-"His worst Nightmare is to loose someone dear". Steve and Serena looked at each other and the chain pulled up. All gave a strange glare Lily asked-"How did you know?"She remained silent. Axleon said-"Now , next question what's Derek worst nightmares". Adrian said-"To loose someone dear to him". Axleon said-"Correct, same nightmares but for different person". Axleon asked personal questions related to both of them. Damon,Adrian and Arthur replied for Derek's question and Adam and Serena replied for Steve's question. Axleon said-"Now my final question, it's related to both of them. The person who can reply can save both lives... "All nodded and Axleon said-"Who truly or mutual love one of them?" All were silent both the chain slowly went down to the fire. Serena said--"I love..."The chained stopped and Axleon said-"You must say clearly..." She cried out loud and said-"I love Steve and we both truly love each other and we wanted to stay with each other forever. I was too scared to confess my love in front of all. I didn't know how elders or my parents reacts? I was scared". Her parents came near to her-"We always be on your side.. We just wanted to let you know that yours happiness matters the most". Henry said-"Fine...I won't interrupt in your love life". The fire goes off and Axleon said-"I am impressed, let you live a happily ever after life. I must go now..." Axleon disappeared, I hugged Steve and said-"Are you okay?" All unchained them and they sat in sofa. Adrian said-"I hope you are okay?" They nodded, I asked-"Derek ,you want some water?"Derek pulled me towards himself and said-"Nice witih Axleon..." I gave him smile and Adriana coughed. Adriana said-"Is everything okay?"He gave a blush and nodded yes. I said-"I think,we all got tired. We must rest..." All taking leave from and I shouted-"Oh wait... tomorrow my teammates will be going in the quest". Lily asked-"Where?" I pulled Lily and said-"What do you mean where?The prison to see the demon". I was going upstairs, Lily said-"But you destroyed the map". I gave a wicked smile and said-"You don't know me..." I went to my room.