6 A Suprise

Lilli walked out of her apartment and went a few blocks over to her favorite park in the city, where she would spend time thinking and relaxing. Her favorite spot that she would go to every time was a small birch tree, on the very edge of the park where it merged into a neighborhood once again. It might of been small, but she loved how tall and strong it stood, with its gradients of green leaves proudly displayed on it. She had brought a book that she had meant to read for a while, and sat on the soft lush grass under the tree and read until her heart content. As she was getting invested in the story, she heard what sounded like a man clear his throat. She looked up with a peaceful expression on her face, but it imedietly turned into disguest with who she saw. Her ex-boyfriend was standing just three feet away from her with a devilish smirk plastered on his face. "Well well well. If it isn't the most sexy girl here." "Hello John, always a pleasure. Excuse me, but I have to get going." Lilli said sharply as she stood up and started going home. In a flash, John had grabbed her wrist and whipped her around so they were only six inches away. "Where do you think your going? Won't you at least give me a chance?" John said with a pout on his face. Unamused, Lilli tried to get her wrist free while saying, "I gave you plenty of chances. Now let go of me!" His grip only tightened as he began to guid her tword his car that was parked a few yards away. " Just five minutes. Now come with me..." Lilli began to struggle even further but that only made him more mad. Filled with rage, he flung her on the ground while spitting out in furry, " Stupid girl. Why can't you just listen?" But Lilli had no response since she had hit her head on the concrete path nearby and was drifting in and and out of consciousness. He had started to grab her once again in an attempt to get her in the car when a mysterious figure came up behind him and shoved him onto the ground in defence. Still drowsy and defenceless, Lilli lay there watching the scene unfold as she was picked up in a rush while John was stumbling on the ground trying to get up. The man who had saved her had picked her up in his arms, and ran away to protect her while she was still vunerable. As she faded into unconsciousnes, she looked up and saw only green before passing out.