Inside a bath an old man who is looking at a tablet is sighing .
"Work work work work ... why did i created this concept ? Because i was bored ? AM I STUPID !!
*sigh* I'm always bored ... cant i search something to pass time ? *sigh*"
On his tablet he close Godpen Godffice where he is doing slideshow about things he himself don't know why he is doing it.
He go to the system in his tablet and wrote : Overseer.exe/Admin/Launch => Enter
Execute failed. try again .
Its at this moment that tablet knew he fuck up .
Big bad god is angry is see red .... too much red ...
"WHY THAT NEVER WORK !!!" god throw it on his wall... too much power... he actually broke space and time dimension that open a portal to the GREAT NOTHING the void and there god saw something pretty interesting for him .
After exploding Erik found himself who know where.
"How did i get here ?"
He stay where he is for only 16billions years .
During that time he was dumbfounded by what he see in this dimension...
slice of bread with butter,spoon,mobile,cars,body?,fruits,stars,lollipop,dwarf?,TV screen,beer...and a lot of other things like a trash can .
After 16billions years he have seen again and again his memories with the movie comics anime manga novel and other things that he know, so after many time something crazy happen
the great nothing shook and *BAM* a tablet flies in is face .
"THE FUCK IS HAPPENING !! Fuck that hurt ...*snif*" his nose is bleeding and have a line on is face with the form of the tablet.
At this moment a head pop trough the hole the tablet done .
"Huuu ?? How did you get here ? ..." God is thinking about this meeting and *POP* an idea come to his mind."Hey young lad i have seen all your life and-"
Erik look at the man suspiciously and say "Who are you ? What are you ? What are you doing here ? When did you see my life ?" His gaze show the feeling of a lost person .
"Its quite rude to cut when someone talk to you ! *wisper* Kids these day cant do shit and annoys there elder...*sigh* I am god and what i am is every things and nothing at the same time. What I'm doing here is to give you a chance to go in adventure with 5 wish you don't have to do anything for me just live and i will see your wish can be really anything so please choose wisely just no unlimited wish because i don't want to."
Erik look a him and choose to take what that old god propose him .
"My first wish will be -"
And that for another time. ;)