5- Awakening



Age: 18 years old

Race: Giant Dragon

Bloodline: Divine Giant War Dragon (purity 100%)


Level 4

Strength : 2586 (SS)

Dexterity : 1564 (S)

Vitality : 1893 (S)

Agility : 963 (A)

Magic : 138 (E)

Bloodline ability :

Size control : Alter your size at wish. Change parameters in function of the size the bigger you are change your vitality and strength and the smaller you are your agility and dexterity rise. (If bigger or smaller rise parameter but do not downgrade the other exemple if bigger the strength rise but agility won't decrease)

Dragon form : Change at will your body part or your whole body to that of a western dragon.

Partial transformation rise parameter to a max of 100%. Hybrid transformation rise parameter to a max of 300%. Full transformation rise parameter to a max of 1250%.

Dragon might : Never fall in one hit.

War giant might : Berserk form when too damaged x500 all stats - - > Clouded mind : (Frenzied) Crazy mind friend of foe will not matter. Aftershocks of this 2 day in forced sleep or more if too damaged and 7 days weakening state = 10% of full strength for 7 days.

Dragon being : Territorial being head strong greedy feeling of superiority trust in other is hard.

War giant being : Head strong battle maniac easy to anger strong bond never able to betray if not betrayed.(Cant hurt friend if not betrayed or if considered as enemy)

Giant dragon aura : Burst out your will and presence to make those weaker than you faint or kill.

Eternal dragon eyes : A kind of copy past of the sharingan to rinne-sharingan in the form of a dragon eyes.

Giant body : Denser bones and muscle rise resilience of any physical attack by 30% can be nullified by stronger being or special weapons.

Dragon body : Denser bone muscle internal organs hard skin rise resilience of magical and physical attack by 30% can be nullified by stronger being or special weapons.

Weapon master : Can use and master anything as a weapon.

Sensible body : A body build in fight to the death as the scar prove it. Sense of reaction + 60% feel the danger you body will try to dodge everything by instinct. Better feel your environment.

Battle maniac : You like to fight envy time you can if things don't go you way it won't bother you to use your strength to stomp it to oblivion.

*After status check body memory will flow in yours*

At the moment of the status close a wave of memories come flooding is brain.

Oroth: The character of the fix I did read were little chicken that didn't hurt that much sooo... My background is really the one a chose so all good we are 1 day before orario good... I will go out rest my body I don't want to mess something and look like the dumbest dumb even because I can't even control my own body...

Oroth go out of the tent wearing the simple clothes like a white shirt with a v neck with a string in the v neck to tight it if necessary a dark brown pant with big leather shoes steel plated.

He go past some Familia member saying a simple good morning following his memory to go to the river freshening himself and go a little further where nobody is but a wide space without trees he close his eyes and trie to follow his body movement that the "previous owner" use to do. At that moment Oroth open slowly his eyes and begin to shadow box lightly slowly and increase slowly his speed and power not even at 50% of his strength the ground begin to crack his movement began to become blurry because of his speed and at that moment because he felt like it he stomp the ground with is right feet and the ground break loudly with a big BANG with a crater of 3 meter around him.

Oroth: Shoot... It wasn't my intention...

Member of his Familia and soldiers begin to come see what happening and he like a idiot don't know what to do but froze like a brain dead man doing nothing in the middle while every body is looking a him like the weird person he is.

Oroth : Humm... Good morning? Hehehe...