The centipede was enormous, and the moment it burst forth, it spewed a dense poisonous fog from its fearsome, gaping maw.
Fang Lin swiftly dodged, immediately moving aside to avoid being enveloped by the toxic cloud.
"Demon King!" Fang Lin glanced at the gigantic centipede and identified the realm of the beast; it was a Demon King of the Fifth Transformations at the Eighth or Ninth Layer, a standout among its peers with the potential to grow into a Giant Demon King.
Such a Demon King possessed truly formidable strength, far beyond the ability of common Demon Kings to compare.
What surprised Fang Lin the most was that this was a Flying Centipede.
After the centipede emerged from the ground, its body undulated as it took flight into the air and continuously launched assaults at Fang Lin.
This Flying Centipede looked extremely ferocious and ugly, its mouth continuously spewing poison fog, its eyes blood-red with madness.