Chapter 18: Shit, Shit, Shit!

The gate opened to outside the dungeon back where we first entered the door to the dungeon. We had some time to rest before the semi-finals and hopefully the finals. I spent the time we had to achieve the class advancement to Great Master Swordsman which powered me up quite a bit. I ate and then slept for the remainder of the time. Once I woke up I headed towards the main hall where everyone else would be. Sun stood up and said, "Congratulations for reaching it this far. Now you shall be fighting for your pride and bragging rights. These final rounds will be fights 1v1. Although killing is allowed, if the opponent gives up or faints, then the round is over so no killing unless neither of those two happens. Good luck." She looked at me when she said this and once again we were teleported to the coliseum. I got prepared for the fights that were going to take place.

     "Ok I got the first match followed by Vicente, Sophia, Percy, and Cruz." George said.

     "We have more fights tomorrow don't we?" Sophia asked.

     "Yeah we do so we can't go show all our cards just yet. Be ready to go in Vicente after my match. Same goes for all of you. Tomorrow, Vicente will have the 3rd out of the 4 which we'll hopefully fight in." George said as he went down into the stage to fight his opponent from Screeching Hallow. His opponent had a sword while George only had his newly obtained gauntlets. The sound of their clash as they rammed their attacks could be heard from the entirety of the stadium. It left a bit of a ringing in my ears though. They sped all around the stage while attacking each other with skills. They went on with this for a solid 10 minutes until Screeching Hallow's fighter got unarmed by some kind of disarming combo George had.

     "Ok I give up, just don't kill me." The fight ended with the referee calling that fight our win. I looked at my opponent and of course I get a person who was wearing a cloak.

     "Well no better time to fight all out." I said as I felt a smile go on my face. I got down to the stage opposite of where my opponent was. I had to win so I could prove myself. I did feel a strange feeling in my gut when we started to fight. My sword and my opponent's knife clashed sparks were flying all over the place as we fought. There was something that didn't seem right the more I fought against this person. I could feel some pressure each time we clashed. There did seem to be a slight difference in strength. My opponent did seem slightly stronger in all aspects.

     "Use skill: Lucky Dice 

     Speed x2 Strength x1.5

     Rebound= 0. This was perfect as we clashed, I felt that I was now stronger." The most unexpected thing was what my opponent did.

     "Use skill: Copy Skill. Use skill: Lucky Dice 

     Speed x2 Strength x1.5

     Rebound= 0." Well great now we were back where we started. We continued to slash at each other and for a couple of moments I thought that I would lose this fight. My skills would only be countered by the copy skill. I was backed into a corner and I didn't know what I would do. I kept thinking as I was being pushed back. I tried to copy the combo that George did to disarm his opponent from the last round. It was risky and very difficult, but man did it work now I could beat this person.

     "So you have learned quite a bit since the last time." A feminine voice said as I felt my gut twist. This voice was familiar, but I couldn't remember what this voice was. I didn't care though because I had a skill that I felt that she couldn't copy.

     "Use skill: Unholy Attribute Addition. Use Unique Skill: Conqueror style- Unholy conquista del cielo." This attack had an aura which was completely disgusting to me. The attack landed and sent my opponent flying.

     "So I see that you still refused to use the corrupted style. Use skill: Force Skill." I felt my consciousness and mind leave.

     "Use skill: Corrupted Conqueror style- corte cósmico." My body was surrounded by a strange aura which I never felt before. 

     Message: Corruption of soul and body [10%].

     I killed my opponent although I won the round as soon as I saw the face of my opponent my whole world was turned upside down. It was my sister in front of me dead. I always thought she was dead, but now her blood was on my hands. I felt that she was a part of the group which that masked bastard was in, but even still she was my sister and now she was dead because of me. I lost the only family member I had left. This hurt more than it did back then. I killed her with my sword and even though she forced me to kill her, it didn't change the fact that I was the one who killed her. I went back up to the stands after I was named the winner.

     "Are you ok? You're extremely pale and your eyes are becoming red." Chloe said.

     " sister." I uttered. As soon as I said this I fell to the floor and broke down in tears. Chloe hugged me and held me tight. 

     "It's going to be ok. I love you no matter what. It's going to be ok no matter what. We're going to get through this together." Chloe said, trying to comfort me as she hugged me. George and everyone from our group came to my side hugging me. Once I calmed down a bit the next match was started. We ended up winning our matches for that day and when we got back Sun gave me a hug. She said that she both saw and heard what happened due to passive abilities and the referee who was watching over the match. I went to bed and I felt nothing once I woke up. I didn't know what to feel and I wasn't sure if I was in shock.