Chapter 37: Sophia

I could feel that I wasn't improving at the same rate compared to everyone else that was a part of my party. Vicente, Chloe, Shiro, and even George were improving, but I didn't know what to do since the Guild Master was too busy to train me. I didn't have a teacher or master who could further my training so I decided to try something by seeing if Judge could help me with training, since I had no other choice. I went into the mindscape where I assumed that I would find it since Judge changed depending on the person that went into the mindscape. Judge always looked like the person who went into the mindscape so Judge only looked at me as she seemed to be waiting for something.

     "Judge is there anything you can do to train me? I don't want to be a liability during quests, I want to get stronger so please is there anything that you can teach me? You are the only person I can look towards as of right now." I was a bit desperate. Judge changed the scenery as we were now in a place full of life, where even monsters were at peace with humans. Judge sat down as someone tried to attack her as Judge merely dodge and covered her fist in a white energy. The person who attacked her was obliterated into nothing as I wondered if that was what she was going to teach me. 

     "What was that?" I asked as she gave me a look.

     "Everything is either good, evil, or balanced. My name isn't Judge for nothing. I will teach you the Judgement techniques, these techniques make you someone let's say outside of good, evil, or balanced. So to start off you have to learn the difference between good, evil, and balanced so let's get started." Judge said, as we traveled through the mindscape created by Judge. I would spend some time here as I got to learn from Judge and see what learning someone or something's affiliations were.

1 Months Later

     "You have learned well now fight this mind Wyvern using only the Judgement techniques that you learned." she said as a Wyvern appeared before me. 

     "Use skill: Judgement." I could see that the Wyvern was balanced so I knew exactly what type of Judgement techniques I would have to use. 

     "Use skill: Good Overload." my fist hit the Wyvern as I could see a scale that was balanced tip to the left which caused the Wyvern to overload with energy that was good. The Wyvern's balance was destroyed as it couldn't balance out which caused some blood to pour out of the Wyvern without the need for me to break the scales. I punched normally which caused a good bit of damage to be done to my fist since the Wyvern's scales were as hard as diamonds.

     "Use skill: Judgement 1: Fury of the Judged." My fists kept hitting as it seemed to be even stronger than before and eventually I defeated it. I was proud of myself as Judge still had some things to teach me so I could still get stronger which made me happy. I still felt a bit inferior as I will try to crawl and claw my way back up to get stronger.

     "Try coming at me with your newfound strength!" Judge got into a fighting stance as I got ready to fight.

     "Use skill: Aura. Use skill: True Imbalance." My fist grazed Judge which was more than enough since this hit would cause an imbalance in Judge as she seemed to stop everything for a second. Judge was balancing herself out as I continued and tried to beat Judge as she covered her fist in a black energy which was evil energy. It hit me as I felt an overload of evil energy as my body started to drip blood, but I didn't give up as I charged and sent a kick towards Judge. I found myself in my living room as I had returned to the world as my legs were still asleep since I was sitting in a meditative way and left to see what day it was. I went to the guild to see the Guild Master and find out the date as he told me that it was (@;&+>& which was a month later. I had been in the mindscape with Judge for a whole month while meditating in my living room without anyone having broken in which was kind of a surprise. I challenged Shiro as he seemed to be a bit cocky after training with Merlin, which was understandable since Merlin is an amazing mage who could defeat many. Shiro and I went to the fighting area as I went in with a barrage of punches and kicks. He used a gravity spell and froze my leg as I felt way slower, but I didn't give up as I used Aura. He created pillars of light and fire as I got hit with 3 of them, I could feel a lot of mana being concentrated as he let loose three dragons made of light, fire, and water as well as freezing the ground.

     "Use skill: Judgement 2: Mage Judgement." A barrier was created in front of me as I used True Imbalance on Shiro which made him start spitting up some blood as he became unconscious. I balanced him out which made sure that he wouldn't die from the imbalance. I would never be a liability like I was when I was little. My parents had tried to protect me after we were attacked and so they ended up dying. I felt inferior and helpless as even after teaching me their martial arts before they died, I still couldn't help. I wouldn't allow myself to wilt and die while others protected me, especially if I can do something to help or save them. I regretted not being able to help or save my parents back when they were hunted by some assassins or mercenaries. I would gladly die instead of being helpless when someone I cared about was in danger of being killed.