Chapter 50: Impending Invasion

I was busy contemplating my life decisions before realizing that thinking wasn't the thing that I was known for, so I decided that I would live my life as I have and see where it took me. Wherever I am going to end up I will do what I need to and what I want to whether that leads me down the same path or a different one, that's still left to be seen by me once I get there. I don't really care too much about the other stuff, but I won't allow Chloe to die like Dante's spouses, no matter what I will make sure that events repeat themselves. We finally reached Valhalla and saw the palace where many warriors would be there to help us with the incoming invasion, but there seemed to be a crack of lightning as soon as we arrived. I saw two men, one of the two was about the same height as me, but the other had only one eye which coupled with his armor was really intimidating to look at along with his spear. They both had beards and longish hair, but the one with the spear had gray hair and looked old while the one with orange hair was sort of sparkling with lightning. I followed to see their gaze at both Dante and I, something tells that they're some people that Dante pissed off during his rampant.

     "Yo! Thorgy, Odi, how you guys doing after the ass-kicking I gave you two." Dante seemed relaxed so there's probably nothing to worry about.

     "You dare return to our realm after everything you've done? This will not go unpunished!" Thor, I'm guessing, swung his hammer only to be stopped by four of Dante's fingers. Well that was….so fucking cool!

     "Is this your spawn?" Odin, I think, looked at me dead in my eyes.

     "No, but he is my grandson. So he's got my blood coursing through his veins. He's about as strong as I was when I rampaged for the second time at worst he's as strong as my first rampage." He whispered to me beforehand that while that is true, it's only when I really go all out which puts me at a bit of a disadvantage since it does take time. Odin and Thor looked at me, I think they're trying to decide whether or not to squash me like a bug before I truly pose any threat to them and their realms. I don't really care as long as they don't mess with the people I care about, but they really seemed like they wanted to kill me right then and there. A strange aura erupted from Dante as they both turned to him.

     "If you dare EVER mess with him--let's just say that I'll make sure you wish that you wouldn't want to come back a fourth time." They seemed really scared of him and decided to back off as they told us that they would need our help. Dante looked both amused and serious during the whole thing, I'm a bit worried that he'll pick a fight with Odin and Thor just for the hell of it. 

     "Dante, you aren't thinking of fighting them just because….right?" I whispered.

     "That's actually a pretty good idea! I'll challenge them once this is all over!" Damnit! He hadn't even thought of that until I said it just now! What do I do! No calm down and think about the invasion. Who the hell would be stupid enough to try and invade Valhalla and be a threat! I can only think of one group that I didn't think would make a move after their rather recent victory, but what would they need from Valhalla. They have something from Pandora's box, the Dark Grail, the Sphere Conductor, and who knows what else. I have no idea what they would use all that stuff for though. Those things all seem to not be related to each other aside from the Dark Grail's and Pandora's Box's evil power. I was brought out of my thinking by the fact that someone was swinging a hammer at me. I don't know how long he had been doing it,  but I guess Feral Mind really helped me out here. I was probably dodging this whole time without noticing it, he looks really angry at me.

     "Wow, you were so deep in thought that you've been dodging for about 10 minutes without losing that weird look. How much longer can you do it?!" George seemed like he was having a better time than I was. 

     "Use skill:...….Run the Fuck Away!" Not an actual skill, but made him tense up enough to get away. I ran in a random direction while hearing lots of lightning behind me which was not the best sound to hear while running for your life. I eventually made it to where Chloe was to find Dante and her having a serious looking chat. Well not that it mattered since Thor literally burst through the door behind me and sent a huge bolt of lightning towards me. I did what came natural and brought out the Vorpal Sword without thinking as I quickly slash at it. Thor looked petrified by my apparent ability to cut through his lightning which I'm guessing came from my sword instead of me, but he doesn't seem to know that. Thor just stood there while I thought about how that could have definitely gone horribly. I really have to thank Dante for the sword or else I would probably be dead right now, but technicalities right? I need some food or sleep to get me through this rollercoaster of a day. Can't I go one day without something like this happening or someone wanting to kill me for existing. I didn't ask to be the grandson of the person who killed all the gods twice, but what can I do now that I'm here. I need something to eat or drink, I haven't eaten all day and I just got done with dodging Thor's assault of attacks while running for my life.

[An early chapter to celebrate my birthday!]