Chapter 52: Battle

[Vicente's POV]

     I have had a pretty interesting day, from finding out that Sun had reached that threshold quite some time ago and that her and Dante were around the same level. It was all one big trip that I didn't want to go through the way I did, but there was nothing that I could do to necessarily change the fact that I'm weaker than both of them. All I can do is train and become even stronger. Dante just seemed happy that I had reached the doorway of godhood with my friends, but he seemed a little weird about it. I just kind of want some food at the moment, but of course I can never have a relaxing day as multiple undead soldiers, regular soldiers, and monsters were surrounding Valhalla. I saw this firsthand when one of them stabbed the piece of meat I was about to eat. I was pretty sad about the meat and decided to rampage a bit on the surrounding enemies. I stopped to go find the others, but they soon found me in a head on collision which was pretty painful.

     "What's the plan?" George usually has a plan, so he probably already thought of one by now.

     "I have no clue, but we can improvise." Damn it! Why did I think he would have a plan ready! Improvising it is.

     "I guess we're doing this now." We were now surrounded by a whole lot of monsters and creatures that wanted to kill us.

     "Use skill: Hell Laser." In unison we used, "Use skill: Aura." It felt different as we destroyed all the surrounding enemies. There were way more coming our way and not too many allies of ours coming to the rescue.

     "I can't believe this." Shiro and Sophia were doing a lot of things I didn't recognize too much, as I feel a sharp pain in my arm. I've been stabbed, or well it was more of a flash wound, but it still hurt a tiny bit.

     "You okay?!" Chloe ran over and healed me despite it not being too serious.

     "Yup, I'm fine now." I kissed her before continuing on with the fight. Where the hell is everyone? Are we just in a bad spot right now? Were we in the wrong place at the wrong time? 

     "Use skill: Devil's Backflow." George and Hailey were side by side while Leo and Percy didn't seem to be having a hard time. Dean and Shiro were now with each other while Chloe stayed close to me. I pulled out my second sword and got ready to fight for a long time.

     "Use skill: Conqueror Style- Doble Conquista del Infierno. Use skill: Tri-Element. Use skill: Demon's Flare." I'm feeling pretty good right now. A lot of my skills and techniques were improved and evolved. I also copied a lot of things, I didn't even noticed until I saw the reflection of my eyes in Chloe's that I had activated the Weapon Eyes. 

     'Might as well give it a try.'" Use skill: Hell Laser." That was so fucking awesome. That did tire me out a tiny bit though.

     "You bastard! You copied my skill!" George was coming our way with tears in his eyes from what I just did. The thing was that a giant demon looking thing was right behind him.

     "Use skill: Absorption." It completely disappeared as I felt his power increase. Does that skill work on normal monsters?

     "Use skill: Dragon of True Balance- Nightmare Mode." We could still do this, but we could take it even further beyond, "Use skill: Dragon of True Balance- Chaos Mode." Oh this felt great.

     "Let's go!" We all contributed in the assault forward as we needed to regroup with everyone else. The thing is we were just running aimlessly without knowing exactly why or what we were barreling towards. Chloe, Hailey, and Shiro in the middle; Dean, Percy, Cruz, and Leo in the back; Sophia, George and I in the front. We continued on with a lot of monsters still in our way. We were going to the main hall since we needed an actual place to go to, but I wasn't really sure where else to go to.

     "Use skill: Hell Laser." George and I said in unison as they fused together to blast a way for us while Shiro, Dean, and Chloe used ice magic to stop the monsters from closing off the pathway we had made. We decided to make a run for it while three people appeared in front of us in masks. They seemed extraordinarily strong that I couldn't help, but want to fight against them despite how they seemed to be stronger than me. Dean, Sophia, and Hailey all went up against them and were overpowering them like nothing. These three might be stronger than me, either way we still have to keep going. They had created a barrier which killed the monsters around while keeping the people on the inside in. We had to keep going, but we couldn't exactly leave our friends behind.

     "We'll be fine, just go!" George looked worried, but I steeled my nerves and headed out with everyone. The first thing we saw once we reached the main hall was Jonathan and two other people beating Odin and Thor while Dante and Sun were nowhere to be found.

     "Hello….brother!" Thor and Odin were knocked out while Jonathan went towards us. 

     "George, Chloe stay with me! Percy, Leo, Shiro, go and help make sure this place doesn't come down!" We went into combat. I could already tell that he was stronger now, but I wouldn't lose, not this time. 

     "Okay…..good luck!" I guess Shiro didn't completely hate me with a burning passion. 

     "You too! Use skill: Tri-Element. Use skill: Dragon Infusion. Use skill: Conqueror Style- Corte Cósmico." His shoulder was cut open along with his chest. 

     "Is that all you got!?" There was something different compared to all the other times.

     "Shut up! Use skill: Hell Laser x2. Use skill: Demonic Infusion." He was getting even more messed up, but he was barely attacking. 

     "Use skill: Overexertion." I felt everything that I had hit him with come at me with at least 3x the power.

     "Nice trick. Use skill: Conqueror Style- Doble Conquista de Ilusiones." George and Chloe were doing well against their opponents, but Jonathan was different and I'm not just talking about his skill.