Chapter 59: Failure.

[Vicente's POV]

     I was now completely healed and it was time for the meeting to discuss the next plan of action.

     "What's with the look old man?" Dante asked, nonchalantly. This seemed strange since Dante was pretty old himself despite being rather younger than Odin and Thor. Odin and Thor seemed worried about something, but it didn't seem to matter too much for Dante. I sat down at the table while it seemed like lightning was coming off of both Odin and Thor. I just waited to hear the apparently grave news that was coming to our ears. 

     "They weren't after something in the treasury...they were after the head of Surtr. He's the one that would bring upon Ragnarok, but now it seems like he's going to be used for another ceremony. We don't know what it is, but what we are sure of is that it'll be far worse than Ragnarok. I have to inform the gods and come up with a plan of action, we've ignored this issue for far too long to allow it to continue now that it has reached this point. Thor will take care of things while I look for Loki and inform the great Council. I feel that this will take the power of the entire world to take care of." Odin started to leave, as I wondered what we would do now. This was all a damn distraction, this victory means nothing. We don't even fucking know what those bastards are planning. It's like they're 20 steps ahead or like they can see what we do before we do it. I thought that we finally pulled one over those masked bastards, but now it wasn't even something they cared about! I can't get discouraged, all I can do is  continue and try to stop them before it's too late. Besides, I still have a wedding to be a part of. Chloe looked excited once we started packing to leave, she had planned 47 different weddings. We picked number 35 since it was her favorite and the best option. I feel like Dante's going to put me through the ringer once we get married. I still have a lot of things to do and to take care of. I have to truly appreciate the things I've been blessed with even if I still have a lot to learn. I'm going to stop Jonathan and his group of disgusting bastards before he has the time to enact his dumbass plan. I won't allow him to destroy everything or whatever the hell he's planning. I'm going to conquer this world and conquer his group. I will not fail, I won't allow him to beat me again.