Yao Yue smiled as she arrived at the gates to Yun Tian Di. Today was the first time she'd ever gone to another sect to listen to their lessons, and she couldn't contain her excitement. She took another step towards the gate when two disciples appeared and blocked her path. Yao Yue quickly took a step back to avoid colliding against them.

"Who are you, and what is your purpose here?" one demanded, pointing his sheathed sword at her.

Yao Yue bowed her head respectfully. "I am Yao Yue of the Mo Sect, here to listen to the lessons of the Tian Sect."

The other disciple raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "Mo Sect? Why on earth would a disciple from the Mo Sect be invited here?"

"If you don't believe me," she pulled out an invitation from the Tian Sect, "this is the invitation that I received."

The disciple took it, and glanced through its contents. "Fine, let me report this to my sect leader." he said after he finished, handing the invitation back to Yao Yue. "Yun Jin, watch her carefully."

"Understood, shixiong."

Yao Yue smiled at Yun Jin who still glared at her suspiciously.

"Did you bring anything dangerous with you?" He demanded.

She shook her head. "But if you don't believe me and want to search my body, I'd gladly take off my clothes for you to look through."

Yun Jin's face turned bright red at her words. "Wh...what the hell are you saying, you shameless woman!"

"How is that being shameless? If you believe that someone is hiding something, don't you have to search their body? And wouldn't it be easier for someone to take off their clothes before searching?"

"I... i mean that's true... but...but you don't have to say it like that!"

"My apologies, I'll be more careful next time." she smiled. "So does that mean you do believe that I'm not hiding anything?"

"I...i never said that..."

Yao Yue then began taking off her clothes, much to the horror of Yun Jin.

"Wa-wait, what are you doing!?"

"I'm taking off my clothes so you can search me."

He immediately grabbed her hands, stopping her. "Don't...don't! I... I believe you, I believe you alright? Just... Just don't take off your clothes!"

"Yun Jin, what are you guys doing?"

Both he and Yao Yue turned to see Yun Jin's shixiong looking away from them. Yun Jin quickly took his hands off of hers before stepping away as Yao Yue redid her clothes.

"Miss Yao, welcome to our Yun Tian Di." Yun Jin's shixiong said, still looking away. "Our sect leader invites you to our lesson hall, please come with me."

Yao Yue nodded, before smiling at Yun Jin. "May we meet again, Childe Yun."

She walked through the gates next to Yun Jin's shixiong, before they headed off to the lesson hall.


"Sect Leader, Miss Yao Yue from the Mo Sect has arrived." Yun Jin's shixiong said, bowing his head towards Tian QiuYan.

Tian QiuYan nodded his head. "Thank you, Bai Lei. You may leave now."

He left, glancing one last time at Yao Yue who got onto her knees. "I, Yao Yue of the Mo Sect, greet Leader Tian QiuYan. Thank you for inviting me here, and my apologies for arriving late. I had a little bit of a problem getting here, and I'm willing to accept any sort of punishment for my tardiness."

"There will be no need for that." Tian QiuYan answered, waving his hand. "Who's ever heard of punishing someone on their first day of lessons? Please take a seat."

"Thank you, Sect Leader Tian."

Yao Yue got up before walking to the desk closest to her, next to a young man from the Lin Sect. She smiled at him in greeting, to which he returned nervously before looking away. Yao Yue looked around to see that every one of the students looked apprehensive with her presence there, which was understandable. She was from the Mo Sect afterall, the sect that had once tried to take over the world only to be defeated by the unity of the other six sects. Twelve years have passed since that event and the Mo Sect hasn't shown their face ever since, leading everyone to believe that the sect had been disbanded and disappeared forever. This was the first time anyone has ever heard of the Mo Sect appearing at all.

"Since Yao Yue just arrived, let's go over the rules of the Tian Sect again."

An audible groan echoed throughout the room along with a couple glares sent towards Yao Yue. Realizing the displeasure of her peers, she quickly sent up a small black signal. Everyone looked at her in confusion at her action, while Tian QiuYan smiled.

"What is it, Yao Yue?" he asked.

She stood up and bowed her head. "There won't be any need to go over the rules of Tian Sect for me. Before I arrived, I went through the Mo Sect library and memorized all ten thousand rules."

"Ten...ten...ten thousand!?" The young man from the Lin Sect next to her gasped.

"If Sect Leader Tian doesn't believe me, I can recite them to you."

Tian QiuYan laughed. "No need, I believe you. However there have been some changes to the rules, there's only one thousand and two hundred rules now. Also, we found that sending signals as small as the one you just did takes too much energy to perform. A simple raise of your hand will do."

"Thank you, Sect Leader Tian. Have there been any additions to the rules that weren't a part of the original ten thousand?"

"No, only ones that were taken out." Tian QiuYan then turned to look at the other disciples. "You all should learn from Yao Yue. If you had all read the rules beforehand, we wouldn't've wasted so much time going over them. Now, let's start class!"