far for sure far from home

December 1 dear diary it has been a long time since I have seen you . ok now here is what I found out first the dogs I will call them canismoldius they are a mutant variety of dog caused by the radiation of atomic bombs used in this war... The cells of the dogs were modified to such a degree that their genetic makeup was suddenly changed, thus creating a new breed with abilities that are extremely different from those of the common dog. Because of the drastic change of a single day and not given by natural evolution, canismoldius are not well developed, so they'r body suffers sudden mutations and drastic weaknesses males tend to be less aggressive than females, it may be due to the leadership position of the pack or some kind of drive instinct. Due to the increase in their dog instincts, Canismoldius tend to be extremely distrustful of any species other than their own, in addition to extreme territorial instincts; scary, fearful; curious in the extreme; extremely distracted and overprotective with their young....does not have a good view during the day. their skin, being so mutated can break easily. Being extremely curious they can lose their lives because of that curiosity. They burn on contact with ultraviolet rays.

after that well the zombies ...

bytes equals infection

they can't see more than 2 meters away they mostly depend on smell and hearing

they fallow a leader with big red things around they'r arms and body they move extremely fast at 3 to 3: 30 am they stop moving at sunset and sunrise they hate the smell of something burning and will stay away from bleach and disinfectant ...

once or twice I heard a couple of female zombies making some kind of singing ... that lured out a child with almost no hair when he reached out to them ... well they started to consume the poor thing alive I I decided to use one of my cocktail Molotov and burn them .... I hope there are no more of those things .... I have heard crying of a baby I am around that area now or is this area ? okay I will stop for now until later my diary...


zero's POV ...

( sight ) I think I heard the crying of a baby around here I...I..I c.. can't believe it there are people alive I haven't said a word to anyone in a long time and they are not moving .. there are around 9 or 10 people there 4 male's, 4 females and 2 baby's ... it is pretty cold I should check out if they're still alive ....

zero - j.. jovani ?

jovani - everyone grab your weapons ..

jovani - who are you ?

zero - jovani I will grab something from my neck don't shoot . here don't you remember you give me this ring I am zero ....

Jovani - impossible zero didn't have white hair or a weird blue and red eye plus his skin wasn't white ....

zero- well the jovani I meet had a gun to be more precise he had a revolver with an engraving that said family isn't just blood related

jovani - so you are zero... what happened to you ? long story but I think I should present my myself with your group although they look like they have been in shock recently ...

jovani well let's say we lost a fight and some people ...


( Jonathan POV )

there is someone talking to my father I better kill him/ her to be Shure....

I only have my cooking knife from Marta's home I guess this is better than nothing ...


zero - I suppose the one ho is charging at my Whit a knife is your son Jonathan?..

....isn't he ?

jovani - ( laughing) son apparently your hiding skills aren't as good as before

Jonathan - ( hides knife ) hey you!! turn around ....

zero - ok
