the story of a young knight 1

age's ago when humanity was in the brink of Extinction new specie's started to be seen those specie's offered humanity a deal they will protect them in exchange for a few people every time the moon was full .

the humans agreed for some time they built giant formations, to please their protector's each full moon they danced and offered a sacrifice but after some generations they grow tired of sacrificing their loved ones . after deciding to no longer offer any sacrifice they'r protectors arrived and waited they keep waiting until the star was about to rise . when morning arrived a group of humans arrived to the humans home they had strength and power that normal humans could only imagine they were the sacrifices that their protector's once took away from them and they carried a message the massage was one that brought confusion and later pain and agony .

when the protectors left the creatures that hunted humans started a carnage with determination and will they fought and protected the people the most powerful humans came to get known as legends. the descendants of this legends raised empires from the ground .

this empires we're slowly losing the might and spark they originally had . the creatures that hunted humans were no more thus protection was taken as granted and power was no longer required thus time passed .

after many generations of descendants being corrupted by beliefs of they'r people ,lust and greed filled they'r hearts the linage of the legends was no more . and the era of Kings was starting .

the descendants that had the bloodline of legends were now called Kings with ever growing avarice war became the next step., Kings decided to fight with each other .

filled with greed and rage, from their land and wealth sword's were forged and soldiers recruited . I was only 14 when they took me away from my family I spent time training ,eating and fighting until I found myself in the catacombs of another empire there I found pieces of the story I have told you that is also the place were I would find my first artifact it was the broken sword of a legend when I first grab it I felt pain in my hand similar to being cut with a knife when I dropped the broken sword I saw with my torch how the green gems of the eyes of the snake carved in the sword turned red I somehow ended up escaping with the sword .

I was foolish to give the artifact to my superior that only sealed my destiny