Chapter 21

    The flight home was full of tension as I stood by the pilot my gaze like cold unfeeling steel. Once we landed and the bay door opened I walked out leaving a bloody trail behind me the poor mechanics team looking at me in horror as I sweep past them set on my goal.

   I busted into the leaders room. They looked at me with a mix of shock and horror like I was a monster from their worst nightmares. One of the leaders stood up and growled

   "How have you returned? You were to be gotten rid of"

   I storm over to the table they stood behind and slammed the table growling

   "Who thought sending me into a ambush was a good idea? SPEAK!!!"

  They cower back from me as blood splashed the table my eyes deep black as I heard Fang laughing and urging me to kill them and make him finally real. When the leaders didn't answer I lunged out and slashed one of their throats just as Agents slammed into the room.