The Worst Day Ever

"Good morning Glen Cove! We have a nice and beautiful day today. I hope you're..."


I roll over and smack my alarm clock to shut it up. Slowly opening my eyes, I let them adjust to the light and let out a deep yawn. Groggily I look over at the clock and see it reads 8:01 am.

"Crap, I got to get ready now"

It's a Saturday morning and I have to wake up early because I promised my sister, I would go to the mall today to listen in on all the people running for governor. I live in a modestly big city called Glen Cove, it is in the state of Oregon and has a population of about 600,000 people. Today the candidates running for governor will be hosting a debate at the Glen Cove Mall and I was so very lucky to be invited by my ever so precious little sister to listen to them.

I get up and slowly make my way to my bathroom to do my daily ritual; Shit, Shower, Shave. After shaving I look at myself in the mirror, staring into my blue eyes lost in thought. I look at my messy short brown hair and decide that I don't quite need a haircut just yet. For 32 years I look fairly young still. I step back a moment to examine my body. I have an average build but I do have a slight gut, that's ok a shirt can hide that.

Going back to my bedroom I find some clothes to wear. Normally I would just wear some random T-shirt with a picture on it, like a superhero or something else. But knowing my sister she would give me the stink-eye the whole day if I at least didn't put any effort into my attire, my ex-wife did the same thing as well. I throw on a white undershirt and some darkish blue denim jeans and top it off with a black button-down shirt. I roll the sleeves up to my elbows and grab my converse shoes and throw them on, oh and I splash a smidge of cologne on too. Grabbing a quick breakfast, I shoot my sister a text letting her know I'll meet her at the mall, then I hop in the car and take off.

The mall is more jam-packed than I thought it would be. I found out shortly after arriving that two events were going on. First was the governor debate on the first floor, there was also an anime convention on the second floor. It sounds like one or both parties have poor planning skills. I somehow make my way towards the food court which was where I was supposed to meet my sister. After waiting for about 10 minutes I see the familiar figure of my sister walk towards my direction. She has dirty blonde hair about shoulder length with the same blue eyes as me. Her clothes also confused me a bit, she showed up wearing what appears to be full business attire, pencil skirt, and the whole nine yards. All I can do is slowly facepalm myself.

"Hey, Maya. So, tell me why you look like you are about to be the new owner of a Fortune 500 company?"

"Hey, Jesse. Like I always say it's best to be dressed like a boss. plus, I am trying to find my way into a government job, maybe I can do that here. At least you dressed somewhat decently"

"Yup, love ya too sis. Let's just go and get this over with. A new online game is coming out today and I wanting to join my friends when it launched. You know how I am about my MMOs"

"Uuuug. Fine, I don't know why you never like going to any sort of political gathering with me."

"Because politics suck."

We eventually make our way to the debate area and look for any open seats.

There are no open seats, seriously whoever thought it would be a great idea to do this kind of event in a mall is an idiot. We ended up standing for the entire debate. I look at my watch and see it is now going on 11:00. I got a few more hours before that launch of that game, should make it in time. Just as I was thinking that I notice several objects flying in towards the crowd. The mysterious objects then start to produce a thick cloud of smoke, enveloping a majority of the crowd. People start to panic and then pandemonium ensues.

(Is that tear gas?)

"MAYA! We need to get out of here quick!"

My instincts kick in and I know something terrible is about to happen all thanks to the 8 years I served in the military. I grab Maya's hand and start to head towards the opposite direction where the majority of the crowd is headed. Then I heard it.

*POP! *

The tell-tale sign of gunfire. After that all chaos broke loose, people were just running in random directions the air filled with screams. Holding on to Maya's hand I lead her to what I think is hopefully someplace safe. I soon found out there was nowhere safe.

An armed gunman dressed in military-like gear with a face mask, came barreling from the side. I throw myself in front of my sister to shield her from the maniac.


Normally when under the threat of gunfire, it would be best to take cover and when moving try to minimize your target profile. Unfortunately, neither of those options were available, at least not without endangering Maya. So, the best option I have would be to close the distance as fast as I can. I was no stranger to taking bullets, took plenty of them while I was in the service, no difference here. I finally got up-close the target and just as he aims the rifle at me. I quickly smack it away and down and several gunshots fire off. Using my forward momentum, I deliver a quick and powerful elbow strike to the head. Would have used a knee but it would have done shit for damage to his plate carrier vest, at least he wasn't wearing a Kevlar helmet or anything. After the elbow strike, I deliver a quick jab to the throat to ensure there was the least amount of resistance from him. Then quickly put him in a sleeper hold, at least there will be one person the police can question.

I look back at Maya and see her scared face, makes me want to walk over and hug her and tell her everything will be ok.

"Hey, don't worry we're fine. It was just one guy."

Still looking at me she starts to cry


"We need to get you to the hospital now! You've been shot!"

Confused at her reaction I look down and see several splotches of red dotting my shirt. After looking around I realized what had happened. There was more than one shooter in the area and one of them must have got me. I didn't notice it because of the adrenaline rush and the fact I only saw and heard the guy I was fighting gun go off. The security detail for the event was already taking action, so most of the hostiles around my area were either dead or detained. Then I start to feel the adrenaline wear off and I look over at my sister.

"Oh, shit..."

I feel my body getting colder from blood loss and I slump down to my knees and I feel myself falling into Maya's arms.

"NOOOO! Please, you can't die on me! You're all I have left."

Coughing up some blood I respond. "Sorry, sis. Trying not to."

"Stupid! I'll go and flag someone down to help you."

Groaning in pain, I grab onto Maya's arm.

"Hey, Maya. I don't think I have much time; I already feel my body going into shock. Just promise me you won't do anything stupid when I am gone"


"You idiot, you're not gonna die."

I cough up a bit more blood. The action irritates my wounds giving the sensation of being on fire.

"Hey sis...stay with me till the end."

Maya cradled me, crying into my chest. Then everything went black.


I wake up and see a white ceiling. I hear some muffled voices around me.

(Huh, so I must be in the hospital.)

I look around and notice I am laying on a white tile floor.

(Wait! This isn't a hospital!)

I quickly sit up and inspect my wounds and notice I am unharmed, with no traces of any gunshot wounds. Looking around I realize I am in a lobby of some sort; no, I think its waiting room. A very large waiting room with a lot of people sitting on chairs and couches. Some are looking around nervously, others look bored out of their gourd. I look towards the nearest person sitting in a chair. They look kind of familiar...Oh, I remember him he was one of the candidates at the debate. He looked like he was in his mid 40's but I knew from the debate he was nearing 62 years. Still though, for an older man he still definitely had some game going on for him.

"Excuse me? Sir?" I figured I would be able to get information from him.

He looks up seemingly lost in thought.

"Oh! Hello, I suppose you are wondering where you are?"

"Yes, sir. I was at the mall earlier today and something terrible happened. But now..." I trail off surveying my surroundings.

"Ah, yes it took me a while to come to terms with it, still am I suppose."

He gives a strained smile

"You see we are actually dead and we are in the afterlife now, waiting on judgment I suppose."

"So, I am dead then..."


"How do you know we are waiting on judgment?"

He looks forward and points over to a person walking around

"See those people? I think they are angels, and they have been going around to different people bringing them to one of those doors over there."

I look at the person he was pointing at. Yup definitely an angel, got the wings and everything. It is kind of funny though because they are all wearing some a secretary would wear...and they all seem to be female for some reason. After acknowledging this I take a seat next to the older gentleman.

"So, I just sit here and wait then?"

He chuckles a bit to himself before leaning back and closing his eyes.

"yup, just wait here someone will get you"

I lean back in the chair and just wait for someone to get me.

After what seems like an hour, I start to get restless. Looking for something to preoccupy myself with I search my pockets for my phone.

(Damn, well I figured I wouldn't carry that over to the afterlife. Wonder why I have clothes though? I sure hope Maya can live a happy full life. Wouldn't want my death to drag her down into despair.)

After waiting for what seems like 20 more minutes I am approached by an angel. She had every bit of the secretary look. Black hair tied up in the bun the partial bangs hanging over one side of her face, glasses, and the scowl to go with it.

"You are Jesse Owens, Correct?"

"Yes, I am."

"Come with me please, it's time for your judgment."

(Ah, so we are being judged. Well that only makes sense I suppose.)

"So, who will be judging me? God?"

"in a sense. The God of Life and the Goddess of Death both hold the dominion of the afterlife. But no, it will be one of their demi-gods that will do the judging."

She leads me to a room, opens the door and gestures me to walk in. I walk in and hear the sound of the door closing behind me. I see a large bald macho looking man in a business suit behind a computer. He simply points to the chair opposite him and I sit down. He grunts a few times and types some stuff before looking my way.

"Hello. You are Jesse Owens? Correct?"

"Yes, I am."

"I'll get straight to the point then. Oh, and I apologize if I seem rushed, after today's tragedy there are a lot of souls in need of processing and we are short-staffed today."

I simply nod in response.

"Ok just let me confirm a few things first. Jesse Owens 32 years old, active military service for 8 years, Parents deceased?"

"yes, that is correct."

He gives out an audible sigh and rubs the bridge of his nose before continuing.

"Yes, also you file indicates you own and manage an underground crime syndicate, responsible for kidnapping, extortion, and murder, as well the lead perpetrator in today's tragedy. Over 100 live lost today because of you. Ironic that you were also killed."

(Wait? Hold the front door...WHAT!)

"Wait! I did what!?"

"I didn't commit any crimes and I am not the leader of any crime syndicate."

"Please don't argue back the information in our reports 100 percent accurate as it is a document of your life. If it is in the report, then it was something you did."

"Wait! There must be some mistake I..."

Before I can finish, he simply waves his hand and I lose the ability to speak.

"Sorry, but because of your antics, we are on a tight schedule. Now then how punishment is meted out will be a cursed reincarnation."

The only thing I can do now is simply glare at him and frantically wave my arms around. He waves his hand again and I am firmly seated again unable to move.

"You will be reincarnated in the body that has been prepared for and you will be shortly reborn. Due to the nature of your crimes and punishment, you are to retain your memories so the next time you die you will be rehabilitated."

The only thing I can do is stare daggers at him.

"You will not have your memories until you reach the age of 4 though. Once you turn 4 your new and old memories will merge to make a seamless transition. This is to prevent you as a baby from talking too early or doing anything else that might raise suspicion."

At this point, I'm on the verge of crying...I realize that my life is about to be fucked.

"All right then your new body is ready for the soul transfusion. Also, the world you are going to is not earth. It's a much harsher world, part of your punishment. Have a pleasant trip now!"

He smiles at me before hitting the enter key on his keyboard, then everything goes black