My First Free DLC

Creating an arcane spell is good in theory, but it is a lot harder to do in practice. Of course, it could also be because this is my first time doing it. Luckily my arcane spellweaver skill is at level 3 or it would be much harder. I have to essentially figure out the mathematical formulas for this world physics and then apply those to the runes to create my spells Its been time-consuming and I have spent the remainder of the year doing just that. If today's math adds up then I should be able to start creating spells tomorrow.

I have learned that when it comes to arcane spells, there is no limit to how many magic circles can be compounded into a spell. But that is why stronger spells take up more space in the arcane pool as well as taking longer to fully memorize. Tomorrow though I will be just practicing a first circle spell or as I dub it a first level spell. Oh yeah, speaking of tomorrow, it will be my birthday. I have always been good at keeping time since my time in captivity. Needed to know when my birthday was close.

Once I have my equations written down, I begin to solve it. Taking a few breaks, I use the remainder of the day doing the math. Writing down my last answer I get a notification


Due to solving complex math equations your intelligence has risen by 1

I have been getting these notifications in the past few days. I have also got them a few times in the past when I pushed myself past my limits, such as my strength or agility. Having finished my research, I decided to go to bed. I think I will make myself an extra portion of soup for my birthday...that sounds kind of nice.

I clean up my work area and organize my books on the shelves before I go to sleep. Laying down on my bed, I think how it will be nice not getting a birthday present from Neira. With this thought, my eyes finally close and I nod off to sleep.

I feel myself sitting in a chair but I can't see anything. Something is obscuring my vision. I reach up and I feel what seems like a blindfold resting on my face. Panicking I peel it off my face.

"Surprise! Happy birthday!"

In front of me is Teona and on the table in front of me is a small cake with two candles in it. Did she drag me here just for my birthday? I had planned to spend it by myself with my extra portion of soup. I can feel traces of something wet run down my cheeks and I reach up and feel it. I realize they were tears, in my entire solitude in the forest my only source of companionship had been Teona.

Feeling some arms wrap around me from behind I start to cry.

"Hey now. It's ok. You've been working hard surviving all by yourself and learning new things."

She then begins to stroke my head.

"Once you're done, I will give you your present."

I am ashamed to say it but I felt like a child just then. I mean my mental age should be 41. Although I guess I am technically a child, so I will just let it slide this once. Finally composing myself I can finally speak.

"Thank you. You have already done so much for me, I don't feel like I can ever repay you."

"Aw shucks. You're too kind. But This is just me celebrating my best disciples' birthday."

Choking back a laugh I finally respond. "I thought I was your only disciple?"

"Eh? Details, details. Now make a wish and blow out the candles."

"Will it come true?"

"Who knows. Might as well try."

Thinking long and hard about what it is I truly want; I blow out my candles.

"Too bad this cake won't fill me up when I wake up."

"What do you mean? Of course, it will."


"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that, while it won't do anything for you physically, it does fill your soul."

"Wait? My soul?"

"Yeah, you have been coming here for about a year now and eating legit soul food. All that you ate is bound to affect your soul at some point."

"So that food will strengthen my soul palace"

"It's hard to say. You are the first mortal that I know of that has spent so much time in the realm of a god and eaten divine soul food. Who knows what will happen?"

I am slightly shocked now and a little angry as well. I mean she had been feeding food this entire time and not once told me anything about it. No, I shouldn't get mad at her. I just always assumed it was just food that never affected me and I never thought to ask.

"Well, I hope whatever happens isn't too crazy then."

She smiles and moves her hands from behind her back. In her hands is a small box which she then hands to me.

"Here you go. It's your present."

Shakily I grab the box from her hands and set down on the table. It's been a little over 9 years since I last received a birthday gift. I was trying everything I could just to keep my emotions in check. I open the box up and inside of it is a compass. Picking it up I get a notification.


You have unlocked the map features of your system. You can now view the world map as well as display a radial map in your vision. It also comes with extra features such as date and time. Your world map is currently empty. Exploring will reveal part of the map. Additionally, examining maps and hearing about different locations will partially fill in your map. The only way to fully fill in the map by visiting them yourself. quite amazing. I shouldn't get lost with this now.

"Thank you very much!" I manage to say with a beaming face.

Teona scratches her cheek and responds. "Well, like I said you deserve it. Plus, you can leave custom waypoints and even track stuff you lay your eyes on as well."

I feel incredibly happy right now. I might have two extra portions of soup now. We spend the rest of the time hanging out and having fun until it is time for me to wake up.

Standing alone in an empty apartment building Teona is staring at an empty plate that once had cake on it.


"What am I doing? I shouldn't be getting so attached to a mortal like that."

Getting up she grabs the plate and washes it in the sink.

"I should just focus on what I need to do and bring evidence to the elder gods."




Deep in a forest on the outskirts of the Vassedras empire, a small child at the age of 11 is about to enter the dungeon for her second time.

It has been a few years since I last entered this dungeon. Ever since I got my map from Teona, I have been exploring almost every inch of this forest. When I went deeper in, I found there were a lot more monsters and powerful ones at that. I discovered goblins, orcs, trolls, and ogres. I don't know why but I was kind of glad the orcs resembled the ones from a movie about a ring, I don't think I could have done giant pigmen.

It took me a while but I was finally able to grasp arcane magic and now creating spells is super easy. I can now store up to level 6 spells or 6 circle spells. I even managed to break through to a third-tier mage and I am closely becoming a fourth-tier mage. I also finally was able to get my hands on better materials from some of the orc camps. With it, I made myself a black dress with some reinforced leather plating in certain areas, even dyed the leather black as well. Why black you say, well it looks cool and that was the only cloth I could find so I made it work.

My hair was getting too long so I had to cut it a bit, it now goes down to my shoulder blades. Most of my scars had healed up too still have traces of them though. I don't have a mirror but I think my face probably still has several. I left the branding on my back there as a memento of my revenge. Speaking of revenge, I am now about to attempt the dungeon again. I wanted to leave the forest but I have unfinished business.

Looking around the house I make sure everything I want is stored in my inventory. I upgraded my inventory to hold 275 kg just so I could pack up my house. I have all the books with me as well as my own made books of my own knowledge. All the pots and pans and other cookware I packed up. I found out that they were made from orichalcum. It is a rare heavy metal that is very mana conductive, also why it gives off a green sheen.

With everything all packed up, I take a look at my stats one last time before I head out.

Name: Allynna Vassedras

Level: 38

Race: Human

Class: Arcane Curseweaver


HP: 975/975

MP: 1131/1131

Str: 27

End: 35

Agi: 28

Int: 29

Wis: 24



Alchemy: Lv 6

Arcane Spellweaver: Lv 10

Archery: Lv 5

Climbing: Lv 5

Crafting: Lv 8

Language [Arcane]: Lv 8

Language [Basic]: Lv 3

Mana: Lv 3

Mathematics: Lv 9

Nature Magic: Lv 5

Neutral Magic: Lv 8

Spear Lv 8

Stealth: Lv 10

Survival: Lv 9

Sword: Lv 6

Throwing: Lv 6



The Most Unfortunate One

Disciple of the Goddess of Misfortune

Bane of Kobolds

Arcane Spellweaver


Blessings and Curses:

Soul Curse

Goddess of Misfortune

My class changed to Arcane Curseweaver when I got the idea to mix the dark element with my arcane magic. I ended up coming up with some really devastating spells. Such as a fire that will continuously burn, even underwater, until the target is dead. I can also do what I call shadowstep, I can essentially teleport anywhere from a short to mid-range with it as long as there are shadows. If none I can make my own.

With everything in order, I decided to head out. Using my map, I make it to the dungeon pretty quickly. However, what I was not expecting was an orc village camped out in front of it.

"Urg! I don't have time to waste on this."

Annoyed, I raise my hand and speak a few arcane runes activating a level 6 spell. A giant ball of black fire appears in the sky and hurdles towards the village. In a massive explosion and with a surge of unfathomable heat the entire village is reduced to molten rock with the remaining pieces of the village burning.

"That was my first time using a level 6 spell. That was kinda fun, might do it again."

Ignoring the molten rock, I continue into the dungeon. Walking up to the red orb, I place my hand on it and speak "sixth floor". My vision distorts again and I find myself in the same large canyon that had almost killed me. I don't know why but the anticipation of the slaughter gets my blood boiling and I step off towards the fort.


In the Vassedras Capital, a strong magical aura can be felt as its shockwave ripples throughout. An old man who is busy looking at some scrolls tenses up.

"It can't be? This's like from the demon lords of legend."

With panicked movement, the old man runs downstairs. He was currently in his study of the mercenary guild and he needed to speak with the Guild Master.

Running through the guild bumping into anyone who didn't move fast enough he finally made it to the Guild Master's room. Knocking only once and without waiting for a response he enters.

"Arlan! I presume you felt that magical energy just now as well?"

The man standing behind the desk of papers looked no older than 45. He had short dark black hair seemingly shaved on the sides with streaks of gray through the sides. He was dressed in an elegant yet simple leather clothing. He stops looking through his maps and looks up at the old man.

"Nilrem, my old friend. Yes, I have felt the energy. In fact, I am sure anyone of at least a Tier 1 Mage has felt it."

The old man nods his head in agreement and scrunches his brow.

"I can't say for certain but I am sure it came from the direction of the Great Vassedras Forest."

Arlan then starts to scour his maps looking at the forest near the capital. With no warning, the door to the Guild Master's office is swung open. Standing in the doorway is one of the local soldiers.

"Guild Master sir! I am sorry to barge in unannounced but I bring news from my captain."

Arlan looks visibly irritated and speaks with a hint of annoyance.

"Well? Spit it out, boy! I don't have all day."

"Yes, well um...There has been a large fire spotted in the forest outside the city shortly after that manaquake. My captain says the Empress wants to hire the mercenaries to go and investigate."

At this news, both of the older men have mixed expressions. After a few moments, Arlan speaks back up.

"Alright tell your captain we accept this request. Also, if you could tell him we may need resources once we get there."

The young man salutes and hurries off out of the guild. Arlan and Nilrem are left to themselves.

"Alright then. Nilrem if you don't mind, try to gather all mercenaries of at least silver tag ranking in the next hour. I am issuing an emergency request."

"It will be done"

"Thank you. Also, could you try and gather as many Mithril ranks as you can? Send word to the other guilds if you need to."

With a slight nod, Nilrem leaves the Guild Master to his plans. Arlan slumps down into his chair and holds his head in his hands.

"What in the blazes is going on? First, the Holy City of Adruma declares they have a hero and now a demon lord shows up on our borders."

Arlan reaches under his desk and pulls out a crystal glass and a bottle of alcohol. Pouring him a glass, he drinks it one gulp before slamming it on the desk.

"Whew! I am retiring after this. Not worth the headache."