Getting New Gear

Looking at everyone's reaction only made me feel slightly depressed. I reach out and grabbed the tags before responding.

"Sir. Was it really necessary to just announce that to everyone?"

Arlan just gave a big laugh while slapping me on the back.

"Why wouldn't I? Wouldn't want people to mistake you for the common rabble, now would we?"

Is he afraid some of the mercenaries might try to intimidate me because I was new? Well, I suppose that would eliminate the cliched guild fight scene often found in light novels. But still would have been nice to be somewhat low-key.

While in my thoughts Clara had made her way towards the Guild Master and me.

"Excuse me, sir? I uh, seem to be having trouble understanding what is going on. Why does the new girl here have mithril rank tags?"

"Nilrem and I did her entrance exam yesterday and determined that she qualified for mithril rank. So, she the guilds newest mithril rank."

Clara only stares at Lynn for a few moments before Arlan breaks her out of her trance.

"Hey, Clara. Shouldn't you take Lynn back to the barracks and get show her new room? I'm sure Anne would like to meet the new mithril rank as well.

Arlan then turns to me and hands me a pouch of coins.

"This is for you. It's not much but its 2 gold and 24 silver. It should be enough to last you the week. There are jobs you can take that will earn you more than that."

With that Arlan leaves back to his office leaving me and Clara with a bunch of stupefied mercenaries. I eventually turn to Clara and speak to her.

"So, uh...I suppose we should be on our way?"




Clara and I are walking in silence. Looking at her expression I can tell she is mulling things over in her head. After a while, she finally speaks up.

"You know I am mad at you. You could have told me you were mithril rank and save me a lot of trouble."

"Would you believe me if I did?"

She thinks that question over for a bit before giving a dejected answer.

"No, I suppose I wouldn't have."

"That was my thought as well. So, I decided to wait until I had my tags before saying anything."

Seeing as how she couldn't respond back with anything; we made our way to the dorms in silence. Arriving, we walk in and are greeted by Anne.

"Oh, welcome back Lynn. Clara, what are you doing here? Guild business again?"

"Yes, it is. I am here to introduce the new mithril rank mercenary."

"Ooh. How nice. So, where is she? I only see you and Lynn...Don't tell me. Lynn is the new mithril rank?"

"Yes, that is correct. I just found out today from the guild master himself. Trust me I was just as shocked as you are."

Anne just kept looking with an expression of bewilderment. At this time, I pulled up the tags I hidden in my shirt to show to Anne. After seeing the tags, she just nods her head in acceptance and speaks up.

"Well then, I guess that settles that then. I got it from here Clara dear. I will show miss Lynn to her room."

Clara walked back out of the dorm and Anne and I walked up to the fourth floor.

"I didn't expect you to be the new mithril rank, that's for sure. What surprised me most was just how young you are yet if you have mithril tags then you must be really strong."

We continued on until we reached my room which was room 4. Opening the door, I saw the inside was quite homey. It had a bed in one corner with a large wardrobe opposite of it. There was even a vanity with a mirror. Closer towards the door was a desk and bookcase on one end and a couch at the other end of the room.

"So, this is your new room. You already know the rules so I can skip over those. Since I told everyone earlier that a new mithril rank was joining the dorm, they are going to be looking for you. It would probably be best just to show up tonight and introduce yourself. I am not going to force you though."

Thinking about how that could turn out, I end up agreeing. If anything, I hope Laura leaves me alone once she realizes I am a mithril rank. Since I don't have anything to do right now, I decided to go to some of the craft shops to get me some new gear.


Clara was going about her guild duties, cleaning the guildhall and sorting any paperwork that may need sorting. Cleaning up she found a stack that required the guild master's signature, so she collected it up and brought it to his office.

Knocking a few times Clara announces herself and enters. Sitting at his desk is Arlan busily going over some paperwork.

"Excuse me, sir. I have some documents that require your signature."

"You can leave it on the corner there. I'll get to them when I have time."

Clara walks over to the desk and leaves the stack at the corner. She turned to leave before stopping and turning back to Arlan.

"Sir? Is Lynn really a mithril rank?"

Arlan stops what he is doing and stretches for a bit before answering.

"When Nilrem and I did her test, we found out she was quite strong. It's not really my place to tell you exactly how strong so you'd have to ask her those details. But between you and me, Nilrem and I would have difficulty taking her on at the same time. We could likely beat her but the end result for either of us would be quite bad."

At those words, Clara's eyes grow big and she simply stares at Arlan in shock.

"So, then what was the point of announcing her rank the way you did?"

"Once the other mercenaries found out she was part of the guild, some of them would have tried to haze her or do some other stupid initiation rituals. I wanted to mitigate the number of casualties that would result in pissing her off. The smart ones will stay away and the dumb ones...well let's just say they won't be missed."

"That's a little harsh...even if it is true. But still, you could have just announced it to everyone."

"You know just as well as I do that everyone's schedule is different. Some people won't be back in town for days. It would be best to spread the word through the mercenaries. As I said, the smart ones would verify the information and the dumb ones...."

Sighing, Clara turned around and left thinking that there will probably be chaos despite what the guild master was thinking. She also had her own worries about tonight at the dorms and with a certain hyperactive girl.


I had decided to go to the blacksmith first as I really wanted was a weapon. Since I was used to a spear, I was thinking about going for that or at least a type of polearm. Seeing a blacksmith nearby I decided to check that one out as I don't really have any recommendations or anything.

Walking into the store, I was pleasantly surprised to see how neat everything was. The lobby area had various weapons displayed neatly on racks and armor properly displayed on stands. The weapons were even sorted by type. The counter area was even all net and organized and had a bell sitting on it.

I walked up to the bell and gave it a quick ring. Shortly after a voice rang out.

"Be right with you!"

Just a few moments later a tall muscular man walked out from the back. He was wearing just some simple pants and boots. He was missing his shirt but was wearing an apron. Noticing his features, he had short brown hair, green eyes, and..... long ears? Wait? He was a buff elf? Well, that broke my image of blacksmiths everywhere.

"What can I do you for?"

Hearing his voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I am looking to get a polearm crafted but I would like to see different examples. I would also like to test weights of the weapons with wooden hafts and those with metal"

"Oh! So, the little miss is knowledgeable with such weapons? I don't usually do metal hafts, but I will bring out some examples of what I have."

I would like to get one with a metal haft so I am not constantly breaking my weapons, but I would also like to know how hard or easily I could swing one around with my current STR. The blacksmith went to the back and a few moments later came back with a few varieties of weapons.

Picking up one made of wood, I began to examine its weight. I swing it around and perform some simple combat maneuvers. Satisfied with the results I pick up a metal one and perform the same tests. The results were, I could swing a metal haft just as easily as I could a wooden one. Also judging from the look of the blacksmith he was quite impressed with my display.

Deciding on a metal one, I began to examine different weapons. I found that here in this world they had different names. Looking over the weapons I came across two of them which I liked. One was a halberd type and the other was one I often played in various tabletop games, a voulge.

"Is it possible to get a polearm made with these two qualities?"

"Yeah, I suppose I could do that. What was the design you were going for?"

Explaining things took a bit to do as I was using the names of weapons that I knew them as. I had requested the blade from the voulge but instead of curving up at such a sharp angle for it instead to taper off to a point while keeping its thickness for the rest of the blade. Basically, good for choppy and stabby. I then wanted the hook that was on the halberd on the opposite side of the blade. I thought that this would be good in case I needed to grab an opponent from a distance or off a horse. I then decided on the total length to be about 150cm. It was here that I learned that this world uses a very similar measuring system as my old world's imperial system. After everything was done, I had paid the man 24 silvers and gave him some of my materials as well.

My next stop was to find a tailor to make me some clothes. Luckily there was a nearby tailor shop as well. Inside there was a woman who seemed to be altering some clothes on a mannequin. At least this was a normal scene for a tailor. As if noticing my presence, the woman stops what she is doing and approaches me.

"Welcome to my shop. How can I help you?"

"I was wanting some clothes made and if possible, maybe some leather armor attachments as well."

"I am sure I will be able to help you. My husband is a leatherworker so he should be able to fulfill your request. What design were you looking for?"

I think for a moment about my design. I want something that is mage like abut also easy to move in. I have also grown fond of my black attire I have been wearing so I might keep the color if possible.

"I would like to have a shirt with the sleeves coming just up above my elbow. Next, I would like an armored vest with light and strong materials to go over the top. I would also like a robe that is open in the front without any sleeves and with a hood with the length going down just above my feet. I would also like a slit cut in the middle towards the bottom to aid in running. As for my pants, I would like shorts to go down to about my knees with maybe a hardened leather tasset to go over it. Finally, I would need some boots that go up to mid-leg below the knee. I would also need a metal shin guard. As for colors, I would like what you could dye to be black or dark grey, I have kind of grown attached to it."

As I rattled off all my requirements the woman just took down some notes. Once she was done writing she spoke up.

"This should be fun to do. I will just need to measure you next. You should know that dying leather is an extra fee."

I nod my head and follow the woman to the back to be measured. The woman said for me to give payment upon completion of my clothes. While I was in the store, I did buy some other undergarments as my DIY ones were not the greatest. I was excited to get my clothes and weapon in a few days

I spent the rest of the day at the merchant district looking at the various items they had. I found a book detailing the local areas as well as some of the further off ones. I had also gotten some food that was being sold and decided I would try it. Once the suns started to set, I decided it was time to go face my doom at the dorms. Hopefully, Laura can contain herself today. Walking into the dorm I was greeted by Anne again.

"Evening sweetie. Everyone is in the common area when you're ready."

Steeling my resolve, I decided to follow Anne to the common area.




Arriving I can see Clara sitting down with a younger girl who I can only assume is her sister. On the other end of the room, I can see Laura chatting happily with someone else who looks like they are not amused at all. Glad to know it's just not me she bothers. In the room, there are few other people whom I have not met yet.

I follow Anne as she walks through the common area and gets everyone's attention.

"Ladies! I would like to introduce to you our dorms newest mithril rank member. Miss Lynn, please come up."

I stand over to Anne and as expected, except for Clara, everyone looks confused as if this is some joke. I mean even Laura is stunned speechless. After a moment one of the girls speaks up.

"Wait. So, this girl is mithril rank? Is this a joke? Where is the real person at?"

As if expecting this reaction Anne speaks up.

"I know this may seem like a joke, but I assure you, Lynn here is indeed a mithril ranker. I have received confirmation from the guild and she also has her tags."

Following what Anne said, I reach into my shirt and pull out my tags for everyone to see. Shortly after I hear the voice of the devil herself.

"OH, MY GODDESS! So not only are you cute, but you're super strong too!"

Saying that Laura comes running up to me with a look of reverence in her eyes.

Do I have to kill a small puppy for her to leave me alone?