
A man dressed in something a clergyman would wear was walking down an elaborately decorated hall. Red tapestries with a silver embroidering of a large tree with a golden sun in the background could be seen down the hallway.

The man stopped at a large dark red double door and proceeded to push them open. He walked into a sizeable well-decorated room filled with religious items. An older man dressed in white and red robes with gold trim sat at the room's lone desk.

A few steps later, the clergyman stopped just before the desk before bowing and making a hand gesture.

"Your holiness, it is just as you have said. The hero refuses to get involved with those heretics at the Empire."

The man at the desk put down his quill and looked up while folding his hands together.

"I see. Is it ready then?"

"Yes your holiness. We have our paladins donned in the Empire's attire. Once they attack his village, everyone will think it was the Empire."

��Excellent, and the sister? What of the plans for her?"

"Being carried out this moment. I sent five of our strongest and loyalist paladins to her location. We had to separate her and Rayce. The slaver is on standby."

"Good. The hero will now go to the Empire and get justice for his family."

In another part of the city, a woman is running through the streets. The streets are empty due to the late hour as most everyone is asleep except for certain parts of the city. The woman clutches her bleeding arm as she frantically searches for someone.

"RAYCE! Where are you!?"

As she is running, two armored figures can be seen chasing after the lone woman. She turns and fires off a light spell trying to stall them. She comes to an intersection and makes a sharp right turn, bumping into two armored figures.

They draw their swords and advance on the injured woman as a third figure comes from behind and the other two from her left.

"Dammit! Who are you, people? I don't know what your aim is, but there won't be any place to hide once the pope finds out."

One of the figures lets out a burst of maniacal laughter.

"Stupid girl. Who do you think our backer is? If you want to blame someone, then blame that idiotic brother of yours. If he had just done what his holiness wanted, then your family would still be alive, and you would be free."

Those words were like a punch in the gut to her. All color drained from her face, and a look of terror was plastered on her visage.

"What do you mean…still alive?"

"I suppose it doesn't matter now. Your village should be massacred right about now. Of course, it was made to look like the Empire did it."

As the words sink into her mind, her face contorts into the ugly look of despair and rage.

"You bastards!"

She launches a light spell at the two men in front of her. One manages to block it while the other has a hole blown through his chest.

"You bitch! You're gonna wish you hadn't done that. Let's get her!"

The remaining men launch an attack at the woman. The sounds of metal hitting metal could be heard echoing throughout the street. Sounds of the occasional explosion could also be heard.

Three of the five men lay dead in the street as the remaining two grapples with an exhausted woman. The woman is covered in bruises and cuts, her left eye is badly damaged and swollen. One of the men slips a collar around the woman's neck and locks it in place.

"You are all dead! You hear me! DEAD! I don't know how long it will take, but I will be back, and I will get everyone involved. I make this vow to the heavens. I will get my revenge!"

"Yeah, yeah, that's what they all say. Sweet dreams, princess."

One of the men knocks her out and throws her over his shoulder.

"Damn! Now I know why five of us were sent after her. Vicious little girl, killed three of the elite guard while fighting five of us."

The men hide the bodies and any signs of battle that they can before they leave. Moments later, they arrive at a shady looking man wearing a hooded cloak next to a caged wagon.

"Hello good sirs. Is this the merchandise you are selling?"

"Damn slavers. Yes, she is. Be warned, she has strong magic, but the collar can suppress up to gold rank mercenaries."

"Good. Here is your payment, as agreed. I need to leave now before the shift change."

The woman is locked inside the wagon, and the slaver then leaves, making his way towards the city gates. The two paladins then head back to the temple.

"After we report and get those three bodies cleaned up, I am heading to the tavern. I need to get nice and drunk."

"Same here, brother. Same here."


I am now surrounded in complete darkness. The only thing left now is my computer. I decide to stop what I am doing now and get further guidance from Asmodeus. I focus on waking up from my meditation and see my vision is blurry as it tries to focus.

As my vision clears, I notice I am sitting in the hut by the bed on a blanket. I see Aurelia in the kitchen area, humming a tune while cooking.

"Morning sis. What you making?"

I had called out to her and see it startles her as she jumps and drops the spoon she was using.

"Kyaa! Lynn! You're awake! You scared me half to death. Seriously, how long were you planning on meditating for?"

I look at her slightly confused.

"What do you mean?"

She puts her hands on her hips and gives me a stare only an older sister is capable of. The white apron she is wearing looks nice with her dark brown pants and a forest green shirt. The lace-up boots she is wearing go up to mid-shin and match as well.

"You were meditating for well over a week now! Seriously, I was getting worried, so was Asmodeus. He was hoping you didn't destroy your mind in the process."

"Ah. I'm sorry to have worried you then."

She lets out a relieved sigh as the tension visibly leaves her face.

"It's ok. Anyway, while you were busy, because of the system, I was able to meet Teona. She seemed like a nice girl and was very excited when it came to talking about you. She told me stories about your time alone, and I can tell she cares deeply about you. She has my approval. Ah, my little sis is growing up so fast."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

She gives me a coy look before snickering to herself.

"Yes, I wonder."

At that moment, Asmodeus enters into the hut.

"Ah! Lynn! Good to see your awake. I was worried you may have damaged your mind. I was expecting you to dismantle a little bit, then wake up and continue the next day, but to go for a whole week straight?"

"Sorry, I didn't even realize I was in there for that long."

"That's fine. We will give you a few days of rest and then we will continue. Then afterward, I can show you how to cultivate the new mana. I already started to teach Aurelia."

"That sounds good. I kind of want to go into town and drop by the guild and my dorm and say hi."

"That should be fine. Due to your state, though, I would recommend you bring Aurelia with you. You will be weaker than you were until you can cultivate the new mana."

I nod my head and stand up, feeling all my bones pop and settle in their new position. We talk for a bit with some idle chit-chat before eating dinner.