I will not disturb you

Rowan consoled Amelia who had broken into tears.

Rian wanted to screw up his brother but he also knew it would only make things worse and Alan should learn himself.

Noah handed Aria's book to the housekeeper who was sighing and he left quietly.

Alan had clutched his fist tight and stood rooted for some time before exiting the mansion to leave but he slammed on the brakes after going a little distance looking at Aria's room bay window.

He never wanted to hurt her but his complex ununderstandable thoughts broke her again. He wanted to leave soon and live alone in isolation but he also wanted to look for Aria whose tears started rolling on her cheeks right after she finished saying to the housekeeper.

He felt his head throb as he continued to think about Aria. He alighted and went aside holding a cigarette pack. He leaned on a tree and his eyes didn't leave her room. He smoked which he rarely did.

His packet of cigarettes finished but the room light never lit. He didn't even see her shadow moving. He felt his heart weighing heavier as time passed. Those feelings were very new to him which made him difficult to understand.

By the time he could decide to look for her, it was eleven at night. The entire mansion was dimly lit as all went to bed. He met a maid while ascending stairs, "Did Aria eat anything?"

"Young master! Young miss isn't opening the door." She replied respectfully bowing her head.

Alan never saw her locking the door. "Get me the spare key."

"Right away, Young master." That maid ran downstairs to get the keys. She quickly returned and handed it to Alan, "Leave!" He ordered and went in front of Aria's room.

He hesitated and opened the lock. When he pushed the left side of the door, he felt the obstruction to open it. He pushed the right side to see Aria curled up on the floor next to the door.

He felt suffocated and hard to breathe looking at her. He had to look aside to compose himself. He pushed the door close before sitting down to hold her.

Aria reacted as soon as he touched her, "Leave..." Her voice was very hoarse.

She tried to move away but Alan held her in arms and hugged her tiny trembling body.

Aria understood him as Alan Morgan as he didn't talk. "Please leave. Don't bother about me. Please leave." Her strength wasn't enough to move him by her push.

Alan didn't leave her and his arms became firm around her, "I'm sorry." His voice was low, deep, and clear to hear.

Aria had stopped crying but she started weeping after hearing him. Alan rubbed her back realizing she started crying when he felt his shirt was getting wet.

She tried for a long time to speak before she could be able to say in her hoarse voice stuttering. Alan had to keep his ear near her lips to hear that.

"I know you were worried about me so you got angry. I'm sorry I shouldn't have scolded you."

He froze for a few seconds knowing she understood his intention even though she was hurt in the process.

Aria knew whatever he did, he had a reason behind it. Given his misogyny personality, she felt it was natural for him to get angry being around her but he still bore with her.

When she was crying, he tended to her.

He searched her in the whole city when she was in the cemetery.

He stood by her side to clear her name from the cheating accusation.

He took her to the orphanage to get her hopes back.

Even though he could have ignored her taking a taxi, he brought her to the morgan mansion.

Hearing her say she wants to leave, he took her inside the mansion.

Even though he was angry, he didn't show it on her directly.

Rest of the time both didn't say anything. Aria didn't have the strength to move after crying for some time in his arms, she was calming herself when she drifted off to sleep feeling her head heavy.

Alan who was caressing her head gently to calm her realized she fell asleep. He carefully carried her to bed and laid her down before turning on the night lamp.

He saw her swollen eyes and red nose as he moved her hair strands away from her face. He untied her tie carefully and shoes before tucking her under the blanket. He softly wiped her face and neck with a warm towel and sat on the bed next to her for a very long time.

He didn't get an answer to his questions even after thinking so long.

He pecked on her forehead and said, "I will not disturb you until I resolve my thoughts." He lightly caressed her cheek before exiting her room.

It was three at dawn when he left the Morgan mansion and went to his private villa to isolate himself.


When Aria woke up in the morning, she felt her head heavy due to a stuffed nose. She was leaning on the headrest of the bed when Amelia entered her room worriedly.

"Aunty!" she greeted with a faint smile.

Amelia sighed and hugged her sitting on the bed. She asked a maid to get a steamer and made Aria take hot steam to clear her nose.

"I'm sorry Aunty Amelia for my behavior yesterday. I will not repeat again." Aria apologized sincerely.

Amelia turned grim, "Yes! you better not repeat it." She held Aria's ear as she asked, "Who said you are not my child? If you say again such things again, I will really get angry at you. Understand?"

Aria nodded before hugging her. It wasn't long, Rian entered rubbing his eyes. Seeing her awake, he went to her and twisted her ear letting her scream, "Rian!... It's painful... Rian... Aunty, ask him to leave... Ahhh"

Amelia didn't stop him and Rian was grim-faced for some time before leaving her ear. "If you speak about leaving here, forget about living too."

Aria rubbed her ear pouting at Rian, Amelia was laughing looking at them. Next to enter was Rowan who was very serious unlike how he always faced Aria.

Aria apologized, "I'm sorry Uncle about yesterday."

He grunted before speaking, "You better be sorry. Aria, if you again talk about leaving here..."

The trio who was on the bed looked at Rowan to hear what he might tell. Rowan scanned their faces before breaking into a smile, "...We will come with you wherever you go."

All chuckled hearing him and talked for some time before dispersing to their rooms to get freshen up and went to the dining table.

After starting breakfast, she looked upstairs before asking, "President Morgan?"

Rian replied, "Brother Alan left after you locked yourself in the room."

Aria was confused hearing it, "Then he... Never mind."

'I couldn't be dreaming. He came to the room and the room door wasn't locked in the morning.' She thought to herself and heard Amelia speak about Alan.

"Arrie! Alan isn't bad. He prefers to stay silent and is very responsible. He never really interacted with females hence he is a little off in that. Don't misunderstand him and don't worry, he will stay in his villa. He hardly comes home."

Aria bit her lip and nodded, "I'm sorry, I spouted nonsense the previous night."

Aria was quick and escaped from Rian's hit, "Seventh time you apologized. Say it again, I will beat you up. At least because of you, Bro will learn to treat females well. He should thank you for that."

Aria pouted as she heard Amelia and Rowan chuckling for it.

Aria asked if she could put on the aerial hammock in the backyard and asked the housekeeper to keep an eye on workers who would install it in the afternoon. She left with Rian for school.