
Aria saw his raised brows, "Aunty and Uncle told me to talk to you about a matter. I don't know how you will react to it so yeah! Little afraid."

Alan's tensed shoulder relaxed a little knowing why she was scared. "Try it. Go on."

Aria took a few deep breaths thinking, 'Aria! Where is your level-headedness? Relax, relax...'

"Aunty and Uncle are very worried about your future relating to a life partner. They want you to start dating and mingle with more people to know about females. It wasn't only because of the rumors, it was for you and your life... You possibly can't live alone all your life... Aunty got quite a few proposals from affluent families and girls are very beautiful. So they want you to meet them. If you like any, you can date or get engaged. About Marriage, you can decide it slowly. If not, Aunty and Uncle will look for more suitable girls for you."

Aria finished and breathed a sigh of relief for completing her mission. When she turned to face Alan it was dark unlike how he looked before she started speaking.

"I... I know I am young to say all this to you. Aunty and Uncle asked me so I just said. I'm sorry if I sounded nonsensical."

Alan didn't expect his parents to receive pictures of girls and show it to Aria. Upon that they were asking her to convince him.

Aria got up to leave but heard, "Sit"

"Will I be screwed for it?" Aria mumbled and sat down.

Alan couldn't catch her words. He was watching her silently who was looking in front of her thinking god knows what. His lips tilted up thinking of a plan.

"Do I have to like them just because you all found them beautiful?"

Aria shook her head, "If you choose who you want to meet, aunty will arrange for you to meet them. You can talk to them and decide after your dates."

Alan's reply came instantly, "Then you are going to help me choose." That way he could spend time with her without thinking about weird plans.

Aria pointed at herself and spoke in perplex, "Me? I think you should ask your friends or family for that."

Alan's face fell hearing 'Your family' in which she didn't include herself yet. He shook his head resignedly while sighing.

Aria thought he was changing his mind seeing him shake his head hence she tried to be reasonable, "I don't know your preferences so I may not be helpful."

Alan buried his smile hearing her, "Then know my preference."

Aria: "..."

"I heard girls can judge girls better and I don't know anybody else other than you. So you are helping me or I will not see anyone."

Aria: "..."

She saw him walk off saying it. 'Why am I getting involved in this?... Like parents like son. Rian is the best. Beauty! Where are you? Help me out of this.'

She took lots of deep breaths, "You just have to select a few pictures and done. You can do this, Aria." She encouraged herself and went inside.

Even though Alan was sitting in the living hall, Amelia and Rowan went to her to ask. Alan glanced at them and continued his work on his laptop.

"Arrie! What did Alan say? Did he scold you? Did he agree? He didn't treat you bad, did he?" Amelia shot rows of questions.

"Young master agreed. He asked..." She couldn't finish as Amelia started celebrating with Rowan.

"That's great... That's great. Arrie! You are our lucky charm." She kissed Aria's forehead and she took Rowan upstairs. Rowan had no choice but to follow her.

Aria: "..."

Alan looked at bewildered Aria and pursed lips before going back to his laptop.

The housekeeper had to shook Aria's arm to get her back to reality. She smiled bitterly and went upstairs.

She was thinking how happy Amelia and Rowan looked just by hearing Alan agreed, how would have her parents reacted in that position went on in her mind.

She took an early shower due to her physical exhaustion and completed some school work before going down for dinner.

As soon as she entered the dining hall, Amelia pulled Aria next to her, "You said Alan agreed, Why isn't he responding to us and he isn't even checking the picture. See! The tab is laying there."

Aria understood why Amelia ran upstairs as soon as she heard Alan agreed. She rubbed her own forehead as she glanced at Alan who behaved as if he didn't hear.

"Aunty! Young master Morgan asked me to help him in selecting the girls then he will meet them."

"Oh!" Amelia said as she exchanged a glance with Rowan unsure about Alan's request.

Rowan continued, "That's fantastic! Aria! Help us by helping him. He is hopeless when it comes to girls."

Aria: "..."

'Am I matchmaker?' Aria thought to herself and had her dinner as Amelia loaded her bowl with vegetables and meat with her rain of compliments.

Alan would glance at Aria's helpless smiles whenever Amelia complimented her. Aria thought to escape right after dinner and quickly ate hearing them...

Amelia turned from her plate to her son, "Alan! When are you free for the first date?"

Young master Morgan took his own bloody time until Amelia loses her patience and he spoke, "Whenever Aria is free."


Aria took a napkin and dabbed her lips and chin. 'Why did it feel like I'm his first date?'

'Aria! You really lost your mind.' She composed herself soon.

Amelia and Rowan looked at each other and at Alan who was looking at Aria. The latter had a troubled face.

"Young master Morgan! Why am I coming to your dates? I can only provide my opinions looking at their profile."

Rowan and Amelia understood after Aria spoke but Alan actually meant what Aria thought to herself. He even felt she deciphered what he meant hence her reaction was too good to watch.

"Oh!" Alan took his dessert bowl and commented leisurely, "Are you a face reader to be so sure whether they are good or bad just by their profile? There may be false information too. You can only get to know after meeting them."

Aria: "..."

'How can I be face reader? Like hell... And why do I have to know your dates? We are choosing a girl for you not a man for me... Hmph!' She thought to herself.

Alan continued after a pause, "If you can't, I will not see anyone." He got up and left.

Aria: "..."

'Please help me to beat this man.'