Man of a few words

Alan faintly smiled looking at her run for life. He took steps faster before scooping her up effortlessly.

Aria almost shouted but remembering they were in school, she kept her voice low, "Let me go. Stop creating a scene here."

"Didn't you call me rogue? I'm proving it." He said nonchalantly and made her sit on the shotgun seat. He closed the door and locked it knowing she would run away. He went around seeing her puffed red cheeks.

Aria was ready to open the door as soon as he unlocks. She opened and her one leg stepped out but Alan pulled her in and closed the door.

Aria pushed him to his seat and she sat properly, "I don't want to go anywhere with you. I will hail... I will go by car, you hail a taxi and go home."

She had just finished, Alan went near her making her widen her eyes in shock then she covered her face quickly scaring he was up to something.

She heard a light chuckle and realized he was putting on the seat belt.