
Isaac took a water bottle and sprinkled water on Eva's face to wake her up. The latter thought Aria was doing it and wanted to tease her hence she held the t-shirt and pulled Isaac down.

His perfume smell made her open eyes.

"Ahhh..." She shouted pushing him away and pulling duvet to cover herself.

Isaac was shocked when he was pulled down and their face was less than a half-foot away. He couldn't get to react and heard her shout when he stood straight by the push.

Aria shot towards the room and saw Eva glaring at Isaac covering herself. Alan followed her and leaned on the door frame looking at Isaac's ear which had turned slightly pink.

Aria climbed on the bed and hugged Eva as she calmed her, "Where is my brave Evvie gone? I thought you will punch his face unrecognizable." Aria then whispered, "Why are you blushing?"