A piece of priceless treasure

Isla was cent percent sure that Aria was the one she saw after they had opened the trolley bag. She had the urge to call Toby Lewis but controlled looking at Aria who sat next to Alan and the latter kept his hand on the couch backrest as he caressed her hair asking indulgently.

"Got teased?"

Aria hummed pouting her lips and punched him, "Why am I only one to get teased? Even you spent the night with me. Hmph."

Alan smiled hearing her complain as he handed her glass of juice.

Isla's eyes were wide open in shock hearing Aria. Just a minute back she had tried to brainwash Alan saying Aria was a wanton and she must have wilfully gone to Toby when Alan casually mentioned 'Toby Lewis met Aria'.

Her main disadvantage was she had a brain for her evil tricks but not for handling effectively.