We are together

Aria was having fun with the trio in the game arcade playing various games. They were planning where to go for dinner, Aria received a call from Alan.

"Alan" Her tone sounded cheery.

"Where are you?" Alan sounded cold.

"Arcade, Avenue 4. Where are you? Are you free..."

"I will pick you in ten minutes." Alan hung up without waiting to hear anything.

Aria realized Alan's mood was off. He always asked if she had any plans or should he pick her or should they have dinner but he abruptly said and ended the call.

Rian and Eva pulled her out, "We will eat Italian."

Aria stopped them, "Actually Alan just called and he is coming over to pick me. It's been more than two weeks I had met him, shall I go?"

She never left abruptly but she knew Alan's mood was awful and he might feel bad if she rejects him.

"These two love birds." Rian rolled his eyes took the other two.