Alan will kill me

Alan's adam's apple moved by looking at her gaze as she batted her long curled eyelashes occasionally, "Stop looking at me."

His low, deep voice made her blush again and darted her eyes around. She had thought he might think her as dirty hence she had covered her face.

Little did she expect he had many skills.

Alan carried her up in his arms hearing her ask, "Were you really single? You seem like well experienced."

Alan leisurely responded with a straight face, "I just love your skin on my lips. Do I need experience for that?"

Aria blushed involuntarily. 'Fine, you win, I lose.' She thought to herself looking at his perfectly sculpted face.

She got fresh quickly to escape to Eva's room if in case she needs her or she starts crying in the middle of the night but was pinned on the door before she could leave.

"Alan..." She helplessly called.

He whispered in her ear, "Cheater"