We will marry

"Of course I want you to be happy, Little dummy." Else he would have forced her to be in the country itself.

"Then why aren't you happy to send me there? Shouldn't you be happy knowing I got a seat in such a good college?"

"Aria, you are smart, you could excel in whatever you want studying anywhere."

"Alan, I might try my best to excel at this middle level. But I want to reach your level."

Alan cupped her face as he spoke "Aria, I'm at no level. I'm just me for you. You don't have to pressure yourself for what others think."

Aria shook her head, "I don't do for others. I want to do it for us. I want to do for myself."

Alan patiently explained, "Aria, you were attacked quite a few times and you know that which others don't. How can you expect me to send you so far away? Do you think I can be at ease here leaving you there?"

Aria held his hands down from her face, "So it isn't about trust. It's about fear."