You are hot, she is sexy

Soon Noah made a high profile entry in his Mercedes Maybach. Noah was always amiable with reporters hence he was the same.

When a Rolls Royce Phantom pulled front which had plate number 999, all saw it and started gossiping, 

"Isn't it President Cooper's car?"

"President Cooper?"

"How will she react knowing President Morgan left her for a secretary?"

"Is she here to break off their engagement?"

"Will she attack Morgan Industries to bankrupt?"

It went on till a slender leg stepped out and a bodyguard in Skyline Industries gear helped the lady with the dress from the car. 

Even though she wasn't breathtaking beauty, her glow and innocent face made it hard for the reporters and onlookers to watch away from her.

Rian who went out to get the lady froze as a smile crept on his face looking at her. He could see the nervousness of her which she was trying to hide.