Loves to spend time

They made fun of Noah for sometime before Isaac spoke, "That's enough. Let him off."

Rian and Aria thought to stop the game and nodded at each other. The former spoke, "Bro, take care of your wife."

Aria: "..."

Noah spoke, "There are only two bedrooms inside, so arranged a canopy under that tree, no worries, it's safe and one on the terrace."

All first looked at Alan unknowingly to let him choose first.

Alan raised his brows at Aria to ask but she mouthed at Alan, 'Your choice.'


Eva jumped, "I want white canopy, It looks romantic."

"Need a bedroom." Rian said and left with Roxy.

Noah went to his room wishing them night.

Aria and Eva stood up to leave but blocked by their men.

"Who does Noah like? You?"

Eva poked his head, "Nope stupid."

Aria understood without asking, "My love, he sees us as sisters. Let's go."