Overconfidence kills.

Alan had wrapped up his work and exited the villa to quickly reach Aria but received a call from Isaac. He answered to hear, "Alan, Arrie is missing."

The mobile slipped from his hand. She hadn't taken her handgun.

He reacted quickly and didn't let the mobile fall on the ground and break by stopping from his foot.

'Patience... Patience...' He repeated himself and hung up the call.

He quickly checked the location of her GPS and ran towards the direction.

He remembered something and called Isaac. He didn't wait for him to respond, "Meet the head of the village and ask him if there are any groups who work for the money. Quick."

Alan had kept the guards at the village entrance to know about the arrivals of suspicious men so that Aria could relax better. Now he regretted keeping them far.

He again checked the location of Aria but it was out of the coverage area.