Want me to strip you now?

In the Cooper mansion, Calvin noticed Aria ignoring him hence he didn't disturb her either. Alan gave a meaningful look to Calvin before taking her to the office.

Just by thinking how Aria would react, Calvin felt it hard to make his mind to confess the truth.

Alan asked her to stop overthinking and have patience while she assured him before going to her office.

Alan informed his men to keep an eye on Calvin if in case he was arranging fake proofs for anything to lie again.

Aria had finished meetings and entered the office when she overheard Levi talking about Finn getting hurt.

"What happened to Finn?"

Levi was facing a coffee maker when he heard Aria. Hanging up the call, he turned around to respond.

"President Cooper, President Stanley was wounded yesterday. I heard he didn't visit a doctor. President Stanley's assistant said it happened yesterday and he isn't allowing anyone to check on it."