Filthy things

In the Morgan mansion.

Alan frowned in sleep hearing a beep at midnight. Thinking it might be important, he woke up to check without disturbing the sleeping beauty in his arms.

He saw Aria received Norah Hanes's message, [Please don't let Noah get hurt.]

He didn't like how Norah framed it. He felt like Norah was thinking Aria put them in trouble when she was pulling all the troubles on herself to get them together.

Seeing his dainty woman next to him sleeping peacefully, he wrapped his arms tighter, "I'm there for you dummy."

He smiled seeing her snuggle. He doesn't understand how she responds because she wouldn't remember anything in the morning.

Alan was prepared when Aria went to Hanes industries, he had his men around the building. If a small mishap with Geoff or Moran, his team would take down everything to keep her safe.