Are you in love with me?

Aria's lips moved for a few seconds but the words didn't come out. She was more like, 'What is going on? Who am I? Where am I? Am I dreaming?'

Her iPad was in Kite's hold and she went back to her position. Aria still couldn't believe Kite just behaved like an elder sister because that reminded her of Zara Wood.

She hummed after it felt like an eternity. She always went to salons with Eva, and Zara rarely joined them. Once twice Alan had accompanied her in the country S. 

She always kept talking and making fun with them but she didn't know what to say to Kite so she started working.

Kite's hair wasn't long so she was done with pedicure and hair wash first before going for the haircut.

Aria asked to quicken and went to Kite wrapping an absorbent towel to her long hair. She contemplated whether to suggest, The hairstylist asked her, "President Cooper, how do you suggest a hairstyle for Ms.Parker?"