Explode her head

Aria alighted the car and saw Finn reach there. Dustin following him, Finn looked ritzy in his black shirt, white vest, and stylish yet formal white overcoat.

Aria always saw him in semi-formal suits if he wore formals, seeing him in a complete set perfectly complimenting him, as a designer, a smile appeared.

  While Levi greeted Finn, Dustin greeted Aria, Aria teased Finn, "Are you going on a date with Chairman Hanes? He is an old man Finn."

Finn's lips twitched, he poked her head, cursing Ceon in his mind as he walked in with her while two assistants who were in business suits silently followed their president.

Four reached the terrace and Aria saw Alan already present. "Oh! My Livid guardian." After Alan got together with Aria, he hardly wore complete set formals.