Taking my Dad's life

Calvin, Alan, and Aria had expected that past.

Elder Parker's eyes were bloodshot and asked, "Is she behind the attacks on you?"

Aria glanced at Saira and spoke, "Her main aim is Skyline. She wanted to kill me and get Skyline under Brother Calvin with a fake certificate. Since she missed it, she wanted to separate me and Alan so that she could kill me easily but she didn't know Alan was with me all along. Then when Alan forced brother Calvin to a dead end, she thought she could make me feel guilty due to Dad and leave Skyline and Cooper assets to Brother Calvin. She tricked Brother Calvin for nine years."

Then she went to Saira, "Seriously? He is your own blood and flesh. Do you have any idea what he has gone through? How can you do that to your own son?"

"Arrie" Kite shouted when Saira clutched a pocket knife at Aria's neck twirling her around.

Aria smiled, "Really?"