
Later days Ford Gray had tried to badmouth Aria to Amelia and Rowan but they supported Aria so he controlled himself from saying anything to them. He had even tried to plant another mole but didn't succeed.

After hearing Jeremy Grayson stating Monroe liked Alan all these years, Ford encouraged him to talk to Amelia and also thought it was the end of Aria but didn't expect everything to ruin in the dirt. He was also irked to know that Roxy was Aria's cousin.

Rian and Roxy's doubt on Ford Gray started when he tried to indoctrinate Roxy against Aria. Then Rian investigated Ford and got to know everything. Rian had warned him hence Ford was silent without trying to do anything.

Now after knowing Alan and Aria are married a long back and they were just playing to catch the culprit behind everything, he left the country in the name of vacation and stayed on an island.
