Young madam

Ceon believes in love and wants to marry the one who he loves and wants the same one to love him back. He can't bear the one-sided love marriage so he was ready to wait for her until she clears out her feelings.

He calmly spoke, trying to make some sense so that Zara could understand him without any misunderstandings, "If you want to marry me because you want to travel around, then we shouldn't marry. We don't have a strong base, you don't love me, and a weak foundation relationship falls sooner or later. We shouldn't sail in the boat which has holes because that is destined to drown."

Zara heard him with the same serious he was trying to make her perceive. She realized Ceon misunderstood her. She didn't accept dating him because he is 'On the verge'. She accepted to date him because he is Ceon who is patient, fun, honest, and respects her. The one who was ready to put anything behind just for her.