
In the police station,

After sending the body for autopsy in an ambulance, Alan was requested to go to the police station to report the entire scene after he verified the body belonged to Saira Hayek, daughter-in-law of the Parker family.

The Parker family members were still on the way home from the wedding when they got the call from cops to reach the police station.

The Morgan parents were sent to the Morgan mansion, Finn took Arsh and Arna to Stanely villa, Rian and Roxy were kept in the dark. 

The friends knew they should let them solve instead of meddling so all waited to know what will be uncovered by the sudden unforeseen events.

As soon as the Parker family reached, they saw Alan sitting opposite to the Captain in poise without any expression.

Kite who had cried all the way was held by Calvin while his wife carried a baby boy going behind Abel who didn't know how to react and Elder Parker who was weak supporting himself with a cane.