All hail to the couple

Finn squatted down towards the L shaped seat and grabbed the mobile that's red indicator was indicating, the recording was going on.

The lady who had winced slamming against the leather seat, "What th…" She froze looking at Finn's handsome face turning shades of dark that she trembled unknowingly.

"I- I can explain." She stuttered.

However, Finn rolled down the window and smashed the mobile on the road to pieces and another car's tire went on damaging it more. "Explain?" He sneered.

The casualness Finn had turned to cold brought tears to the lady as she huddled in the corner afraid he was going to do something to her. 

Finn gritted his teeth controlling his urge to strangle the woman, "What will you explain? That you wanted to make your boyfriend regret showing him the video of you fucking another dude?"

It was a matter of fact and the lady nodded vigorously, "I swear I would have deleted it afterward."