Marking you mine

The two were anticipating until ten in the evening. One was waiting for a call and another one was looking at the door waiting for Kite to reach back home while his son was asleep on his lap.

Rachel, who was tired of the whole day's work, was dozing off when Calvin sent her and his son to the room.

Aria was peeping at the phone repeatedly so Alan threw her mobile from the bed to the couch almost giving a heart attack to his wife and started fighting on the bed as their babies were already asleep.

It was ten minutes after ten when Aria's mobile finally rang, after making sure she left a dark red mark on Alan's neck, she answered the call as she snuggled back to her husband.

Calvin was also on the call when she greeted Kite, "Sister Kite!?"

"Kite? Where are you?" Calvin asked with a hint of worry in his curiosity to know how her flash date went and what she decided.