Piggyback ride

After a long brainstorming session, Arna excitedly announced, "My Knight. How about My Knight to Earl?"

Alan felt drained, whichever he suggested was kicked away by his daughter and she stuck on to food, followed by Disney characters and now the royal family.

Finn was surprised to get some cool name, "So My Snow wants to nickname Earl as Knight?"

He asked as he carried Arna to his arms when she ran up to him. Arna shook her head, "It's My Knight."

Aria and Alan looked at each other and she chuckled understanding her daughter. 

Finn tried to confirm, "You mean, our Knight."

Arna facepalmed before explaining, "Darling, it's My Knight. I am Snow princess and he is My Knight."

Finn: "..."

Some were speechless and the rest burst into laughter waking up Rose from her sleep. Yawning and feeling her whole body sore, she tried to sit when Finn left Arna on the bed and helped her.