Arna Morgan

---Twenty years later---

A mid-twenties young lady entered into Starlight Entertainment with her head high. None were able to be nonchalant but turn and look at the lady who walks as if she owns the world.

She had a petite face and amazing features like each part was patiently molded to perfection. Her skin was so fair and spotless that never failed to catch the eyes of both men and women.

She smirked when the receptionists greeted her in awe and they failed to stop themselves from blushing red. She was a beauty that men admired and craved to have and women wanted to be like her.

The dress left her shoulders uncovered wrapping around at the edge of the arms in white. It perfectly wrapped her slender body stylishly to feel and look at.

The tiny waist was tightly hugged by the red fabric without any creases. She needed no ornament when her confidence was a perfect adornment.