Forget the past

At Wood's mansion,

Noor parked her car and entered the mansion as usual expecting to see her parents and grandparents in the backyard lawn where they drink some soothing tea before bed.

However, as soon as stepped inside she noticed an anxious maid in the drawing-room, "What happened, Aunt June? Are you alright?" She asked out of concern.

The middle-aged woman wanted to tell something but she lowered her head and shook it before going to close the large main door.

Noor was tired so she didn't think too much and entered the living hall. She saw her parents and grandparents sitting with frowns.



Before she could finish her word, a hand struck right across her cheek resounding loudly in the living room.

"Naira…" Noah grunted coldly and quickened towards his daughters while Norah rubbed between her brows without understanding what was going on.