
Noah's shoulders slacked in Norah's embrace and weakly smiled when her hands gently massaged his scalp to calm him down.

Over the years, one thing was common between them. They never stopped standing for each other even if they have different opinions on the same topic. They also took care of another one when they fall weak.

Noah knew he wouldn't have got anybody as understanding and relaying as Norah. 

Relaxed, if not for himself, he calmed down for Norah. He pulled her to sit in front of him and asked, "Did you know Arsh loves Noor?" He knew the response, yet he asked.

Norah promptly responded, "I got to know when you took Arsh and Brother Alan aside."

Seeing her very calm, Noah got to know Norah still likes Arsh even as Noor's companion. Anyway, he asked her to know her opinion, "Are you willing to marry off our daughter? What do you think about them?"