An attraction

The love for their child makes parents blind. Aria wasn't heartless so she can understand the behavior of the client. But as a businesswoman, Aria gave him the second chance and warned, "Drop by at the company tomorrow and sign the papers. If this repeats, I will make you regret it." The threat was real.

The client breathed a sigh and looked at his sulking daughter. She had thought Ivan would agree to marry her due to a project or company. Her delusion of 'money could get her anything,' finally taught her a lesson.

Aria was going towards the door but paused. She went towards the lady who was looking at her in a daze.

Aria pressed her hand on the table as she twirled the chair to face each other without hurting the young lady's neck. Aria lifted the young lady's chin up to make her look in the eye.

Arna mumbled looking at the pink flush creeping up on the lady's face by watching Aria's enticing face up so close, "Momma is seducing her." 

Ivan: "..."