Noor proposed Arsh!?

As planned by Arsh, without shopping more, he took Noor to the Morgan mansion. Since it had been more than a week, everyone was happy and excited to see her back.

Aria and Alan hadn't told anything to anybody so none knew about Arsh and Noor dating yet. Amelia patted Noor's shoulder when the latter greeted her. "Child, the Morgan mansion will always be your home too. If you accept Nemo or don't is your choice. Don't be shy about it, keep visiting here like always." Everyone hummed agreeing with Amelia.

Noor was pleased to know she didn't have importance at the Morgan mansion because of Arsh, they loved her regardless of him and her decision. She glanced at Arsh Nth time. She was feeling shy to reveal about their dating and expected him to understand her embarrassment and tell everyone but he sat like he didn't know anything.

Noor smiled at Amelia and responded politely, "Sure Grandmother Amelia, I will come regularly."