Nothing Comes Easy

At the Morgan mansion, All were grumbling as Arsh left again. This time they were curious about what he was up to that he wasn't staying with them for a day.

Aria and Alan kept the matters under wrap, excluding Rowan. The latter was never against the plans of his children or grandchildren. He always gave full freedom as he considered forcing them into something wouldn't be a good decision to anything. Even though they had company, Alan grew it large, he never expected Rooney or Arsh or Arna to take care of it. He didn't find a huge deal to find a capable person to handle the company when Alan decides to retire.

It was Friday, Rowan went to the company for the board meeting. Alan was president, Rian and Aria were significant holders of shares. Arsh didn't have much whereas Arna never bothered about the company as it was always Aria and Alan buying or transferring shares to her.