Empty Room, Empty Heart

Fortunately, Jiang Nuo, his wife and Yu Rong came at the scene a few minutes afterwards, saving everyone from the awkwardness that had taken over. No one had spoken a word since then. There was a turmoil in everyone's heart. Mei Qingyang decided to clear everything to Feng Yue first. Then she would need to talk to Yu Tian to not pull something like this again. She had more headaches to take care of now. She grimaced at the thought of confronting both the guys. She also needed to make sure that Fan Ruyi did not misunderstand. Otherwise her prediction would come true way sooner than her expectations.

"Why are you guys all quiet? Su Lang, I thought you would come and talk to uncle. This uncle is hurt.", Jiang Nuo turned around when he sensed something wasn't right. He was not aware of the fact that a lot of people still did not know about his relationship with Su family.