Another Visitor For Qingyang

"Hello, cou… could I meet Ms. Mei please?" a girl with freckles on her face knocked on the door of Yu Tian's room.

The whole top floor of this particular hostel building belonged to the four friends. There were seldom any visitors because these people were each other's group. Not that it was out of bounds for anyone.

But there was a time when all the fan girls and fan boys gathered outside their rooms and made such a clamor that these four had to restrict the entry for everyone. Now anyone who needed to visit any of the four friends had to take permission.

The whole time-consuming process discouraged most of the fans, one had to go through background checks and their intention to visit was scrutinized very strictly. As such, most of the people gave up. It became a lot easier for the assistants. They would still get love calls from their fans every now and then.