
"How is your stay here Qiqi? Are you enjoying the classes?" Mei Qingyang visited her friend whom she had not been able to entertain properly all these days. Wei Qiqi was put up in the same hostel building as her, albeit she was given quite a normal room. Qingyang was afraid that they would treat her friend like her but it worked out fine. And thus, so she had finally decided to meet her one of the evenings while she wanted to take her mind off of Yu Tian and his request to talk to her through her secret code.

This was the worst timing for those top management guys to bring her here. She was a busy person ah! How could she be with her friend and solve Yu Tian's issues at the same time?

She reflected over the coming days and realized she had too much on her plate. If she did not delegate stuff to other people, her head would explode some day. What was she supposed to do, seriously?