
Immediately she settled inside her room, first thing she did was to check for bugs or any hidden spy cameras inside the room.

And yes, she did find three listening bugs.

It was always normal to know what your so-called bodyguard was up to; who they spoke with, who they met with and their hidden agendas — especially when they lived in the same apartment with you.

A smirked creeped on the corner of her mouth. She knew how to manipulate these things so it was not exactly a big deal for her. 

If she took them out right now, she knew he was obviously going to notice. So she decided to leave them— for now.

The room was large and looked quite comfy.  There was a vanity table in one end of the room, a wide window that allowed for the cool evening breeze, a large mirror that was attached to the closet's door, and a desk in another corner of the room. 

The large bed was neatly made; dressed in white sheets.

The yellow color of the curtain stung her eyes and she took a mental note to remind herself that she was going to change that. 

Deciding to take a shower next, she stripped until she was only cladded in her Grey colored Calvin Klein's matching bra and panties. 

She caught sight of her reflection in the mirror and moved closer to it. 

If she wasn't already used to seeing how her exposed body looked like, she probably would have flinched back in shock. 

Not because of the creepy tattoo on her arm, but because of the scars scattered all over her body, stretching from her collar bone and down to her lower abdomen. 

She took in a deep breath and turned around. Looking through her shoulder, she was able to see some scars on her back also.

She had been stabbed, shot, hit, tied, and sometimes even poisoned. 

People had tried everything they could to make her lie six-feet under the ground, but she had survived it all. 

She did not want to die. She could not die yet. Not until she took her revenge, she was never going to die.

She turned around, untied her ponytail, and gently flipped her honey brown hair to both sides until it scattered about. 

She knew she was pretty. She did not need anyone to remind her about that. Her eyes weren't the same color with her hair, they were black. It had always been so weird that she often got teased when she was still a child.

But did she always wear her natural hair out? The answer was No. Most times she went undercover, she did so with different kind of wigs. 

Her lashes were long, had glossy lips, full breasts, flat and firm belly, and long legs to accommodate her body's weight.

Her look had made her to easily succeed in most missions were she had to seduce men or women, and it never took long before they fell— which was always the beginning of their misery.

She twisted her neck to the side until she heard it make a 'crack' sound before she walked leisurely inside the bathroom. 

From that moment, she knew a lot of things were going to change. 



 "Thank goodness you're finally here. How did your date go?" Joel asked Anna immediately she sat down on the empty seat beside him. Both sitting opposite Tom. 

"Nice, I guess. Jianhong says Hello and promised to see you guys the next time he's around. What did I miss?" 

She looked between Joel and Tom who seemed to be lost in thought. 

It was quite unusual to see Tom so quiet during their Friday night hangout in their favourite bar so she knew something was definitely wrong somewhere.

"You should talk to him. He hasn't said a word since we got here. His gaze has remained there" Joel cocked his chin to show her the direction he was talking about. 

Anna saw Lisa sitting by herself in one corner of the bar. She had a glass of red wine in her hand and looked at anywhere but at their table. 

Anna was not surprised to see her there because Lisa was secretly guarding him. She was only surprised to see her all made-up and ready for party. 

But her red dress was modest. No part of her upper body was exposed. The dress had long sleeves and ended just by her knees. On her feet were a pair of black heels.

She quickly turned to look at Tom. "What's wrong with you? Is she giving you problem?" She asked him with a worried face.

Joel frowned when Tom began to open up to Anna. It hurt him that he had been trying to know what was up with him but Tom had refused to say a word. But one question from Anna, and he was already spilling his guts out?

"She is strange. Very strange" Tom said thoughtfully.

"How so?" Anna asked curiously.

"She is like a robot without emotion. Nothing seeme to change that stoic expression of hers"

"That's what's been eating you up?" Joel asked in disbelief. 

"Of course!" He quickly affirmed it. 

"Woah! That's strange" Joel said before taking a sip from his wine glass. 

"You don't mean that do you?" The only lady among them asked. 

"I know what you perverted minds are thinking, but that's not it. I am only curious because nothing seem to rouse out any emotion from her. Even when I went topless and expected her to at least gasp in shock when she saw how perfect my body was, she just walked past me like I wasn't even there." 

"Geez! That must have hurt you man." Joel said with a laugh. 

"Wait a minute. Am I the only one thinking rationally here?" She questioned the both of them with a raised brow.

"Why are you suddenly so concerned about how your bodyguard behaves?" She asked Tom. 

"Or do you think she's into ladies" Joel asked Tom suspiciously without waiting for Tom to answer Anna's question. 

"Would have thought so too if she hadn't told me she had a boyfriend." 

Anna slapped a hand on the glass table and finally got their attention. 

"There are a whole lot of girls in this world and even in this bar right now that would want to have you to themselves. Why are you so interested in this one who's taking her job seriously? Do you want to put her in trouble?" 

"'Put her in trouble?' Who said I was putting her in trouble? I am only curious. I said it before C.U.R.I.O.U.S!"

"And that curiosity would probably lead to something else." Anna snapped back.

"Why are you so against him this time?" Joel could not help but ask.

"Because she's the first lady around Tom who's not in a hurry to go to bed with him. And I like that about her." 

"First lady around him? Then does that mean?" Joel suddenly paused and gasped playfully.

"Are you crazy?" She raised a fist and threatened to hit him."We can say she's the second, after me." 

"I already told you both that I am not interested in going to bed with her. I only want to know whether or not she has human emotions" 

Joel suddenly began to laugh. "Do you have some emotional fetish now?" 

Anna also giggled before turning serious. 

"You shouldn't concern yourself with that. If you ask me, I think she probably finds her boyfriend more charming than you"

"God forbid that!" Tom sat up immediately.

There was no way his narcissistic self was ever going to accept that.